MLT2192 Histotechniques II.
MLT2192 Histotechniques II.
Group Project
This group project will be completed thru your MLT2192 course and will be presented as a face-to-face
presentation during the MLT2192L Lab Course session.
1. The instructor will assign students to different groups so everyone can start working on their project.
2. A theme will be given to each group and together you should draft your research project title and the
abstract. Example:
Given theme: Carbohydrates
Group Title: Utilization of Carbohydrate Staining Routinely used in Histology Laboratories
3. Each group MUST select a group leader, if a group leader is not selected within a reasonable timeframe, one
will be appointed by the instructor.
4. The group leader will be responsible to make sure that everyone is on track with the project and will be
responsible for submitting the final project.
5. Once the group have selected their title, the group leader must submit the Title and abstract to the instructor
for approval by the designated due date.
6. Once the Title and abstract is approved, the group must begin their research project.
7. The final project presentation MUST be a PowerPoint presentation.
8. The group leader will divide the project into parts and assigned them to the team. Each team must put their
part into the selected PowerPoint by the group.
9. Each part MUST be sent to the group leader to be added to the final presentation in the order required.
10. The final PowerPoint presentation MUST be submitted to the instructor by the due date. This will allow for
copies to be made prior to the face-to-face presentation in your lab session.
The Project MUST include:
1. All authors in the project (Team) in the following format:
Doe Jane, Anywhere, State, Flower Lillie, Anywhere, State and Lost D. Wallet, Anywhere, State for MLT
2192 Histotechniques II, Florida State College Jacksonville
2. Abstract (Bold, Times New Roman 12 pts)
Use this space to explain the purpose and the intent of the research project.
3. Key Words: Use this space to highlight the important words that will be used through your research
4. Introduction: Use this space to introduce what you are planning to do for your research.
5. Materials & Methods: Mention any material used for the research, the purpose of the material and
manufacturer of any material used including the name of the product, the name of the company with City
and State.
6. Results: Use this space to mention the outcome of your research. Mention here what did the group learned
through this research.
7. Discussion: In this space I want each participant to express in their own words the knowledge obtained
from this research and how would they apply it as histotechnologists.
8. Conclusion: Use this space to mention the outcome of your research and to elaborate on why things work a
certain way.
9. Acknowledgement: Use this space to provide any names or companies that help your through this research.
Example if a pathologist gave you some advice or protocols for your study you can place an
acknowledgement such as: Special thanks to Dr. John Doe from Mercy Hospital in Fort Lauderdale for his
support and suggestion during this research. If you received help and tips from a tech you might want to
mention: Special thanks to Jane Lost, BS, HTL (ASCP) QIHC from Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami,
FL for her/his support and suggestion during this research. (This can help your grading). TIP!!!
10. References: Use this space to mention all the references use and follow the format below. Minimum of 5
peer reviewed references required. Do not use any references associated with Wikipedia. Must be in
APA format 6th Edition style.
Deserve, J. (2005), The Best Research Project Ever, Journal of Histotechnology, Volume 28, No. 2,
If you decide to go with special stains techniques for any of your themes, I would suggest that you select a
specific stain to research; otherwise you will be looking at a lot of material.
Example: Helicobacter Pylori
Title: The Effect of Special Stains Techniques for the Demonstration of Helicobacter pylori Organisms
This a broad title because there are several stains that will demonstrate Helicobacter pylori Organisms,
therefore you will need to talk about each stain.
Title: The Effect and Demonstration of Helicobacter pylori Organisms Utilizing the Steiner & Steiner
Staining Technique
Here you are talking about one particular stain to demonstrate the organisms. This way you can
concentrate in a specific stain versus multiple stains.
When researching your project look for how is it used? What are the benefits? What is the pathologist
looking for? What kind of treatment can be used?
Be Creative, but stay within the requirements.
The Demonstration of The Hepatitis B Antigen Using The Natural Dye Staining Techniques of Orcein.
With over two billion people worldwide and over 12 million Americans infected, Hepatitis B is highly prevalent in today’s society. With infection rates on the rise
(approximately 10-30 million people each year), it is evident that diagnosis and treatment are the key to fighting this disease. One of the many ways to diagnose
Hepatitis B is by using special staining techniques on liver biopsies. One of the special stains, and the focus of our study, is Orcein. Orcein is a natural dye
obtained from lichens which are found to stain copper-associated protein, elastic fibers and hepatitis B surface antigen. During our study we will look at the specific
Hepatitis B antigen and how the special stain Orcein binds to the cytoplasmic inclusion bodies of the hepatocytes, giving evidence of a positive Hepatitis B infection.
Once our study is complete we will have learned and observed the process by which this special staining technique is completed. We will also learn how the stain binds
to the specific parts of the cell giving rise to a diagnosis.
Keywords: Orcein, Liver, Hepatitis B, natural
Here are some website that I did my abstract. You could use outside information for my power point presentation.