
Under a microscope, you see tiny, purple-stained bacilli cells lacking nuclei scattered across your field of view. Each cell possesses one long, thin structure protruding off of one end and many small, thin structures emerging from all over the surface of the cell. Name and describe three types of structures these cells must possess based on your observations.
2. Describe the typical sporulation cycle in Bacillus species. Why are bacterial species that produce endospores more difficult to eliminate by standard cleaning procedures? 3. Name and describe three ubiquitous structural similarities between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. 4. Conduct an internet search for “Guinea worm” and provide a brief description of the parasite, include the URL(s) you use to answer this question. Explain how the Carter Center is making it probable that the parasite will be completely eradicated in the near future. 5. If you were developing an antiviral drug, what would be three important considerations? 6. How are the lytic and lysogenic viral cycles different?



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