maternal and child health indicator

maternal and child health indicator

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Module 2 Unit 1 – Assignment Instructions:?Maternal-Child Health Indicators
Maternal and Child Health Indicators in [My Community]
Completing this assignment requires that you build on your newly developed investigative skills to evaluate the maternal and child health in your community. You will

assemble data for five health status indicators in your community: maternal mortality, infant mortality, preterm birth, low birth weight, and very low birth weight.

After compiling these data, you will analyze the five indicators for your community by comparing them with the state and national statistics, as well as with the

baseline and the goals set by Health People 2020. From this analysis, you will choose which heath indicator you think is in greatest need of improvement (likely with a

change in health policy) and provide a rationale for that decision. The lecture for this unit provides detailed instructions for collecting data on maternal and child

health indicators.

Step 1) Complete a data analysis table
Remember that in order to analyze the maternal-child health indicators for your community you’ll need to compare the data you find about your community with the data

for your state and for the US, and with the baseline and goals set by Healthy People 2020. Be sure to indicate the correct measure within your table. i.e. some MCH

indicators are reported as a rate or percentage. You must include citations either within or at the bottom of your table. These citations need to indicate the year and

source of your data. (A key might be needed for your reader to identify the source of the data) I were to set up a data analysis table for my community (Stockbridge,

GA), my table would look like this (yours should look like this with appropriate headings):
Maternal-Child Data for Dane County, Wisconsin and the US:
Health Measure Henry County, GA Stockbridge National Data HP 2020 Baseline HP 2020 Goals
Maternal Mortality
Infant Mortality
Low Birth Weight
Very low birth weight

Step 2) Complete a written summary of how the data in your community compare to state and national data, as well as the Health People 2020 baseline and goals. In order

to contextualize your findings, it will be important to begin your written analysis with an introduction that includes the following:
• Name and location of the community (town or city, county, state)
• Number of resident births (these data can be found on state and local web sites)
• Types and number of birth options in the community, including hospitals, birth centers, and home
• Types of birth care providers in the community, including types of physicians, CNMs, CMs, and other types of midwives
Additionaln content to include (this information will be important for you to know relative to the importance of changing health policy related to midwifery practice

and regulation, as well as reimbursement for maternity care services in your state):
• The percentage of births attended by midwives in the community and state and
• The percentage of births paid for by the state’s Medicaid program.
Following the introductory paragraph(s) that describes your community, describe/define the five indicators you’ll be using to assess maternal child health in your

community (maternal mortality, infant mortality, prematurity, low birth weight, and very low birth weight). The description of each indicator must be based on the

published literature and address:
A What the indicator measures.
B How the indicator is calculated, and
C Why the indicator is important.
Your written summary must also include a brief analysis of trends and/or noteworthy findings, including the identification of any health disparities you find (racial,

ethnic, economic or other sources of disparity) and a description of the one health indicator you think is in greatest need of improvement (be sure to provide your

rationale for the indicator you choose). Also, check with your local health department and Healthy Start program to find out about programs they have in place to

address this and other maternal and child health problems; include that list of programs in your written summary.
Sources of all information (including information in the data table) must be cited.
The format for your paper should look something like this (feel free to use these subject headings for your final paper):
Introduction: in this section, provide your reader with a general overview about your community. Be sure to include at least the following:
• Name and location of the community (town or city, county, state)
• Number of resident births (these data can be found on state and local web sites)
• Types and number of birth options in the community, including hospitals, birth centers, and home
• Types of birth care providers in the community, including physicians, CNMs, CMs, and other types of midwives
Indicators Assessed: For each indicator describe what the indicator measures, how it is calculated and why the indicator is important
Maternal Mortality
Infant Mortality
Low Birth Weight
Very low Birth Weight
Local outcome Disparities
Data Analysis Table
[Insert your data analysis table here]
Comparison of [My Community] to State and National data: Describe how your community compares to the state and nation. Also include a comparison of the data for your

community with Healthy People 2020 baseline and goals
Trends and Noteworthy Findings: In addition to any trends you discover, include the one indicator you think is in greatest need of improvement in this section and

describe the programs in place to address this and other maternal-child health problems.
Grading Criteria: Your work will be graded using the following rubric:
(point value) Novice
(1 x multiplier) Apprentice
(2 x multiplier) Proficient
(3 x multiplier) Points possible
Introduction to written analysis
(3 points) The introduction omits 2 or more of the required topics or the topics are not well explained. The introduction omits 1 of the required topics or the topics

are not well explained. Introduction provides a complete description of the community 9
Analysis of findings and conclusions
(5 points) Omit 2 or more MCH indicators with incomplete explanation of importance and or measure.
Analysis and conclusions omit comparison with either or both HP 2020 baseline data and goals.
The author omits selection of an indicator that needs improvement. Omit one MCH indicator or give an incomplete explanation of why each of the MCH indicators are

important and or measured.
Analysis and conclusions omit comparison with one or both HP baseline data and goals.

The author selects an indicator that needs improvement but does not present a rationale.
Analysis includes
• A clear explanation of why each of the maternal and child health indicators is important and how it is measured
• Analysis and conclusions about the local (community and/or county), state, and national data are complete and thoughtful: includes analysis of trends and comparison

of the local (community and/or county), state, and national data with the HP 2020 baselines and goals, as well as identification of any health disparities that exist.
• Identification of the heath indicator that is in greatest need of improvement and presentation of a rationale for this selection 15
(2 points) Assignment is written with multiple errors in APA format. Paper is poorly organized with multiple errors in grammar, spelling, use of incorrect voice,

punctuation, and/or syntax. Multiple errors in data labeling. Assignment is written with minor APA format errors. Written summery well organized with occasional errors

in grammar, spelling, use of incorrect voice, punctuation, and/or syntax.
Opinions are used to draw conclusions.
Occasional errors in data labeling. Assignment is written using correct APA format for citations and references.
Written summary is well organized with proper grammar, spelling, use of third person voice, punctuation, and syntax.
Facts (not opinions) are used to draw conclusions.
All data are labeled correctly 6
Data Analysis Table
(10 points) Data analysis table is missing 3 or more required elements Data analysis table is missing 1-2 required elements Data analysis table is complete 30
Total Points 60

Helpful Hints:
Describing MCH Indicators
Some students run into difficulty with the section of this assignment that asks you to describe the MCH indicators. Here are some helpful tips to use in order to avoid

problems with the reporting you are required to do for this assignment:
When you are asked to define the indicator, remember that the definition must be complete and accurate and it must come from a source that you cite in your paper and

on your reference list.
When you are asked to explain how the indicator is calculated the explanation must be complete and must come from a source that you cite in the text of your paper and

on your reference list. Please note that to explain how a rate is calculated, you’ll need to identify a particular subset of events (such as preterm births); the

denominator – a larger unit of an event (such as births); and, the time frame (such as “per year”). For example, one way to report preterm birth rates would be

[#preterm births/total births/year].
When you are asked to explain why the indicator is important the explanation must come from your reading, not from common sense, and you must cite the source in the

body of your paper and on your reference list. For example, we all acknowledge that a maternal death is a tragedy, but saying that it’s a tragedy does not explain why

that particular indicator, the maternal mortality rate, is a valuable public health tool. The assignment asks you to explain why each of the individual indicators is

an important window into the health status of women and/or infants, and/or children, and/or families in a community or country.
Citing Healthy People 2020
The Healthy People 2020 Web site is in the public domain. Materials that are in the public domain may be linked to and reprinted without permission. For any of the

Healthy People content that you use, please use the following APA formatted reference:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Healthy People 2020. Washington, DC. Retrieved from
Providing a comprehensive summary statement
As you prepare your summary statement it will be necessary for you to summarize your findings comprehensively. It’s not sufficient to say something like, “Our county

has a lower infant mortality rate.” Statements such as this leave your reader wondering lower than what? You will need to summarize your findings according to how the

findings in your community compare with the state, the nation, and the Healthy People 2020 baseline and goal, and how your state is doing with respect to the national

data, the HP baseline, and the HP goal? while it is unescary to repeat all of the data in your table, you must include comparative statistical data when you are

descibing a discrepency for a specific indicator. For example: “In Stockbridge, Georgia the percentage of preterm births is 5% which is lower than the state level of

6% but higher than the national figure of 4%. According to HP2020, the preterm birth weight in Georgia approaches the baseline of 5.5% however falls short of the

national goal of 4%”
Remember that all assignments submitted electronically must be saved in files that are named using the FNU naming standard (JaneDoe-NM700-Assign1.docx) and must be

saved in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). Two percentage points will be deducted for papers that have incorrect file names.
All work must be submitted by the due date noted in the individual assignment instructions. If you feel you will need an extension on the due date, please contact your

course faculty.
Please note that when there is a page number requirement for an assignment, that number refers to the number of pages of text; title and reference pages are NOT

included in that number.

Relative to all written assignments, your faculty strongly encourage you to complete your work at least one day prior to the due date so that you can allow your work

to “percolate” over-night…sleep on your paper – re-read it in the morning and make any changes you feel are necessary prior to submitting the final version of your

This assignment must be submitted to the assignment drop box no later than Sunday of week 5 of the term. Students will use the information collected for this

assignment as they compile a family and birth center proposal in PC713 – Principles of Independent Practice. Therefore, students are also required to place this

completed assignment in their e-portfolio.


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