Matches in a waterproof container

This assignment should be 2-3 pages written using the current APA format. You must cite and reference 2 sources. In your assignment you should address the following:
a. How would you prepare for the following situation? (Provide realistic examples and details for safety and survival)
(Scenario) At this moment, you are sitting at your home in Miami, Florida, working on your nursing studies. Suddenly, the National Weather Bureau sends an alert to your cell phone—a tornado is headed your way. You have 15 minutes before touchdown in your neighborhood. What is your plan? This is a ‘shelter-in-place scenario; you cannot outrun the tornado. Identify a safe place in your home to take shelter.
You must include research. Cite and reference two sources and explain the recommended safety measures in a tornado emergency and how you would apply them to your specific living arrangements.
b. How prepared are you in the event of a disaster? Describe your level of disaster preparedness using specific examples and references to your “go-bag” listed below.

Items included for me, mom, dad, and dog:
Prescription medications and glasses
Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person
Long-sleeved shirt
Matches in a waterproof container
Feminine supplies
Personal hygiene items
Hand sanitizer
Disposable utensils
Paper towels
Paper and pencil
Non-perishable food for several days
Portable charger
Battery-powered or hand crank radio that can receive
Flashlight and extra batteries
First aid kit
Can opener
Local maps.
Items needed to include in our kit are:
Pet food, water, and supplies for your pet
Fire Extinguisher
Long pants and sturdy shoes
Dust mask
Garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
Non-sparking wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
Life jacket
Example: “I am more prepared for a water-related disaster than a fire-related disaster even though I live in a highly secluded, forested area. I have a boat as transportation in the event of flooding, but I do not have rain barrels or fire barrier supplies on hand.”
Example: “There were many missing items on my preparedness checklist. I realized that I do not own a flashlight. If I had to use my phone as a light, it would drain the battery very quickly.
c. Reflect on how prepared you were before taking the natural disaster course and compare it with how prepared you are now.
• Have you acquired any new emergency items?
• Do you plan to take any additional training or certification courses?
• Have you shared your knowledge with friends and family?

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