Marx’s more materialist rendering of the morally


In a short essay, explain and critically assess Marx’s more materialist rendering of the morally proscribed reduction of our common humanity to mere means in the form of alienated labor.
No intro paragraph is needed In a short essay, explain and critically assess Marx’s more materialist rendering of the morally proscribed reduction of our common humanity to mere means in the form of alienated labor. How, in respect particularly to the relevant form, is the violation of that broadly Kantian prohibition against the instrumentalization of humanity conceived in material terms? What processes lead to it, what to its overcoming, and what general form would its alternative appear to take? No cover sheet. NO INTRO PARAGRAPH NEEDED! Please do 3 full pages of writing! The paper should be based on Marx’s reading of “On the jewish question”, “The Communist Manifesto”, and “Theses on Feuerbach”. ALL 4 REFERENCES SHOULD BE QUOTED FROM THESE 3 READINGS!

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