Managing Resources for Competitive Advantage: IKEA

Managing Resources for Competitive Advantage: IKEA

Order Description

BRIEF: IKEA CASESTUDY (approx. 5000words)

The assessment for this subject should take the form of an integrated report on IKEA. The focus will be on the integrated nature of corporate functions, and this should be examined in terms of creating and sustaining competitive positioning. The module assesses the students’ ability to demonstrate research, analysis, evaluation and critical reflection skills on an issue(s) of strategic significance for ‘SCA’ in an organisation of their choice. Students should critically outline the manner in which cross-functional integration facilitates enhanced organisational performance. They should also be given an opportunity to present their analyses.

IKEA Presentation (5mins): (allocate approx. 500words here)

Out of the case study the information shall be summarised and a presentation shall be made describing everything the case study is referring to.


Students are expected to address all the learning outcomes the case study is testing. As a general guide, marks should be allocated out of 100 as follows:
Background/Introduction 15marks
Knowledge of subject; Understanding of concepts/theory 25marks
Application of theoretical concepts 20marks
Information analysis/synthesis 15marks
Presentation(written expression, formatting,referencing,etc.) 10marks
Lessons learned/Conclusion 15marks
TOTAL 100marks


I. Executive Summary
II. Description (Background) of Company
III.External Analysis

A. Customer Analysis
B. Competitor Analysis
C. Market/SubmarketAnalysis
D. Global Environmental Analysis

1. Technological Situation/Uncertainties
2. Economic Situation/Uncertainties
3. Cultural Situation/Uncertainties
4. Political, Legal, Governmental Situation/Uncertainties
5. Demographic Situation/Uncertainties

IV. Internal Analysis

A. Key Performance Measures
1. Sales
2. Sales Growth Rate
3. Profits
4. Profit as a Percentage of Sales

B. Assessment of Product Quality & Customer Satisfaction
C. Assessment of Core Competencies and Strategic Advantages
D. New Product Development and Commitment to Innovation

Identification of environmental opportunities and threats and company’s strengths and weaknesses (SWOT)

V. Analysis of Business Strategy

A. Description of Main Product-Markets
B. Customer Value Proposition(s)
C. Identification of Company’s Strategic Core Competencies and Competitive Advantages

D. Description of Functional Marketing Strategies
1. Product Strategies and Tactics
2. Pricing Strategies and Tactics
3. Promotional Strategies and Tactics
4. Distribution Strategies and Tactics

VI.Recommendations for Future (Further) Growth
A. Action items
B. Action plan

VII. References

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