Managing Army Change- discussion paper

Managing Army Change- discussion paper

Answer the seven questions.  Each answer should be no less than one-half page and no more than one full page.  Cite the souce using Turabian style of documentations based on attached files. Use evidence from the readings (specific examples or concepts).
1. The 2013 Army Strategic Planning Guidance (ASPG) describes an Army that is “globally responsive and regionally engaged — one building toward a regionally aligned, mission tailored force that can Prevent, Shape and Win now and in the future.” To guide this approach, the Army lists four imperatives that form the basis of the Army Campaign Plan:
•    provide modernized and ready, tailored land force capabilities to meet combatant commanders’ requirements across the range of military operations;
•    develop leaders to meet the challenges of the 21st century;
•    adapt the Army to more effectively provide land power; and
•    enhance the all-volunteer Army.
Which imperative is the most important and why? Give an example of something that the Army could do to enhance capabilities in that domain.
2.  In the JCIDS process, what is the role of concepts in developing capabilities? As part of your answer, provide an example of how a concept drove an actual capability in one of the DOTMLPF domains.
3. Explain which of the six PPBE principles appear NOT to be followed in the reading, “General Odierno, AUSA Winter Symposium.”
4.  All official Army acquisition (Materiel Development) programs require an acquisition program baseline (APB).  What are the primary APB components and what assessment tools, systems, or laws do decision makers use to measure a program’s progress (or lack thereof)?
5.  Do the prioritizations outlined in the 2013 Manning Guidance agree with the imperatives of the 2013 ASPG?  Why or why not?
6.  How will the end of continuous operations, proposed budget cuts, and a planned reduction in Army end-strength impact the Force Generation model/process described in the F106 lesson readings?  Specifically, what major changes does the Army need to make to the existing process in order to adapt to the changing environment?
7.  Describe three ways using contractors in operations will differ from using military service members, and for each way, how a commander would overcome that difference.

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