majlis workshop brief

Review of Company Website

Order Description

You have to review the website of this company
and write aspects of Organizational Psychology that are considered by this company (or not!)

You are required to carry out a research project where you will begin by reviewing websites of different companies. Following your review, select ONE company that you

will explore further. Your report will include an assessment of aspects of Organizational Psychology that are considered by this company (or not!)

(I choose this website of company to review)

Working in a small group, you are required to carry out a research project that will explore in detail your perceptions of one company through scrutiny of the

information available via the company website. One 3000 word report of this process is required from each group.

A    B    C    D
Rationale    Clear and sound justification for the choice of company selected for review.
Appropriate and highly relevant scope of study (i.e. selected company strongly meets the criteria)
Demonstrates a detailed and critical understanding of the link between Organizational Psychology theory and practice.
Good justification for the choice of company selected for review.
Appropriate and relevant scope of study (i.e. selected company meets the criteria)
Demonstrates a good understanding of the link between Organizational Psychology theory and practice.
Satisfactory justification for the choice of company selected for review.
Demonstrates some relevance to the scope of study (i.e. selected company links to the criteria)
Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the link between Organizational Psychology theory and practice.
Poor or little justification for the choice of company selected for review.
Demonstrates little relevance to the scope of study (i.e. selected company does not or barely links to the criteria)
Demonstrates a weak understanding of the link between Organizational Psychology theory and practice.
Use of Theory    Very strong rationale and excellent use of appropriate concepts and/or theories throughout paper.
Excellent description and highly appropriate application of concepts and/or theories.
Good rationale and good use of appropriate concepts and/or theories throughout paper.
Very good description and appropriate application of concepts and/or theories.    Satisfactory rationale and use of appropriate concepts and/or theories in the paper.
Satisfactory description and application of concepts and/or theories.
Weak rationale and limited use of appropriate concepts and/or theories in the paper.
Poor description and little or no application of concepts and/or theories.

Analysis etc    Critically discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the elements of the website in relation to Organizational Psychology concepts.
Very clear and highly logical line of argument
Excellent use of evidence to support arguments.
Strong demonstration of initiative, originality and creativity.
Conclusions are balanced and reflect the discussions presented in the paper.    Good discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the elements of the website in

relation to Organizational Psychology concepts.
Good, logical line of argument.
Good use of evidence to support arguments.
Good demonstration of initiative, originality and creativity. There is clarity of the conclusions presented.    Satisfactory discussion of the strengths and weaknesses

of the elements of the website in relation to Organizational Psychology concepts.
A logical line of argument is evident in places.
Satisfactory use of evidence to support arguments.
Some demonstration of initiative, originality and creativity.
Conclusions are presented but these could more closely relate to the discussions presented.    Little or no discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the elements

of the website in relation to Organizational Psychology concepts.
Poor line of argument throughout.
Poor and weak use of evidence to support arguments.
Little or no demonstration of initiative, originality and creativity.
Conclusions are either absent or do not relate to the information presented.

Structure    There is a fluent and coherent structure to the report.
Without grammatical and spelling errors.
There is a good structure to the report.
Has some grammatical and spelling errors.
There is a satisfactory structure to the report.
There are several grammatical and spelling errors.
There is a weak structure to the report.
There are many grammatical and spelling errors that make reading the report very difficult to understand.


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