Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence

For this assignment, you’re being tasked to deep dive into one of the future technologies we’ve discussed in this module. In order to successfully complete
this assignment, you’ll need to do the following:

  • Use the internet and other resources to machine learning and artificial intelligence further
  • Write a 500 – 750 word essay about the topic. Your essay should include:
  • A brief history of the technology
  • A brief explanation of how the technology works
  • Benefits and drawbacks of the technology
  • Potential uses for the technology
  • A bibliography
    From this essay, you’ll also create a presentation. Your presentation should include enough slides to outline your paper (think as if you were presenting this in
    front of a class).
    I’d like for you to use a web tool to do this. Paste your link for this in the assignment submission area when you attach your spreadsheet. This should not be
    an attachment – but a link. You’re welcome to use any web tool or app to do this, but if you need options, may want to try are listed below. All of the listed
    options can be used by creating a free account.
    Google Slides
    Haiku Deck
    In lieu of a slide show, the student may choose to present this information in video or audio format. If the student chooses this option, the spoken portion of the piece should NOT be read straight from the paper
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