Literature Review on Employee Turnover rates

Literature Review on Employee Turnover rates

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a review of the research that has been conducted on a restricted topic (employee turnover rates) in social psychology and has been published in psychology journals.3 double spaced pages (exclude page count from title page and references) using 12 size times new roman font with standard 1 inch margins all around. Format should follow the APA writing style including references. Will be based on at least 4 appropriate research journals. Articles will come from journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology (for others see attached) If the research articles DO NOT contain the type of material found in these journals, then they probably are NOT appropriate for this assignment which is to present a brief summary of the research conducted by psychologists on the social psychology topic selected. Journals such as psychological bulletin and annual review of psychology are considered secondary sources and no more than one (1) may be used. use quotes sparingly, past verb tense, use active – not passive verbs, use section headings,

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