Life Map Project:



Life Map Project:
The life map project is for you to think about where you would like to be academically/professionally in one, five, and ten years.

In one year, you should have your major and minors chosen. You should have and maintain a good gpa. At the five year point, you should have completed a bachelors
degree or continue in advanced degrees. At ten years, you should be settled into your “professional dream job” (whatever that may be). What do you want personally? Do
you want a house? A family? How will you budget for that?

For academic goals, think in terms of successful characteristics you will obtain such as gpa, credit hours earned, and degree completion. Also, consider professional
certifications earned, professional licensure, and advanced degrees. In terms of employment, think about entry level positions or continuing education into graduate or
professional programs.
Give me statistics. What GPA are you shooting for? What is a realistic GPA? What is your dream job? Where would you like to go to school at (if pursuing a graduate
degree)? How much money do you want to earn? Also remember if you have obligations to military such as the National a Guard Reserves/ROTC. How will that work with your

The assignment should not exceed two-pages, but should adequately describe where you plan to be.

– Fire, arson and explosion investigation is my major
– I’m planning to work in back home ( United Arab Emirates )
– I want to be a policeman

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