Life in a juvenile facility.

  1. Describe life in a juvenile facility. Is everything being done to help these juveniles turn their lives around and
    become productive members of society? What changes would you make? Why?
    2. What problems do juveniles experience in adapting to institutional life? What problems do juveniles
    experience when they are released from an institution.
    3. Explain the various methods used by gangs to identify themselves and others. Discuss the three prominent
    reasons why youths join gangs.
    4. Is the gang problem getting better or worse in America? Provide examples and defend your position.
    5. Explain the effect of violent aspects of American culture on juveniles involved in episodes of school violence.
    What do you think, if anything, could have been done to prevent the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting
    in February 2018? If you could pas
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