Level 3 108 Margaret Street
Level 3 108 Margaret Street
Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. Students may
request alternative arrangements subject to individual circumstances in consultation with the course
coordinator and trainer of the unit.
A printed version of this assessment must be submitted with any required evidence attached.
‘P A completed cover Sheet must be submitted with all assessments.
Failure to submit your complete assessment at the date specified will be deemed as non-submission
You are required to fill in, Sign the academic honesty statement, and attach the assessment cover
sheet to the front of your submitted assessment.
‘9 Plagiarism: Failure to adhere to the plagiarism policy, as outlined on the assessment cover sheet, will
lead to the non-acceptance of the submitted assessment, as well as a written warning for breach of
the policy.
The learner is required to demonstrate their ability to analyse a range of Marketing issues and
considerations in relation to the ability to strategically manage the marketing process and marketing
personnel within an organisation.
The assessment item requires analysis of the case scenario and marketing plan; Comprehensive responses to
the questions are to be word-processed and submitted before the due date.