Legault Arruda & Associates
Graduation project – Paralegal Technology – JCA.1F
College CDI. Administration. Technology. Health.
Phase 7: Revision of pleadings
and determination of the appropriate procedure
You are still employed by Me Jean-Claude Van Damme, of the law firm Legault Arruda &
Associates, general partnership.
In Francis Brien’s file (phase 5), Me Van Damme asks you to revise a pleading, which is a notice
of communication of the report of an expert witness.
Work to be completed:
Using the skills learned in Word Processing, Civil Procedure 1 and Legal Drafting, first
identify errors and missing elements in the pleading. Then, please make the appropriate
changes to the document.
Additional instructions:
You will need to make the changes in the Word file that will be sent to you by activating
the Track Changes mode on the Review tab.
Me Van Damme indicates that he would like to negotiate an agreement in order to put an end to
the dispute between the parties, with the help of a judge. Me Van Damme mentions that the lawyer
of the opposing party is open to negotiate.
Work to be completed:
Using the skills acquired in Civil Procedure 1 and Legal Drafting, please first determine the
pleading to be drafted in order to begin the process referred to by Me Van Damme.
Using the skills learned in Civil Procedure 1 and Legal Drafting, please find and complete
the model pleading.