Legal Questions

Legal Questions

Read the following facts. Using only principles, concepts and law discussed in BUSN1019 (including the Partnership Act 1891 (SA)), answer each question:

Re-read the “Notes on Answering Legal Questions” commencing on page 14 of the Topic
Guide and Barron pages xxii – xxiv (7th Ed). Conciseness of expression is important in
answering this assignment, so please do not exceed the word limit! Answer all questions.
Clearly number each answer to each question. All assignments must contain full
acknowledgement of sources and failure to adequately reference sources via footnotes, and
include a Bibliography at the end of the paper, amounts to plagiarism and will result in a
“Fail” grade for this part of the assessment. Use the “Business Law Style Guide”
commencing        on     page     60      of     the    Topic       Guide     or      see:
If you wish to submit your assignment answer as part of a group:
(maximum of 3 students per group)
You have the OPTION of submitting your assignments on a group basis. Group work can
allow for the benefit of shared understandings and many people (but certainly not all), learn
better if they work with others. However, this is an option: if you do not wish to work in a
group, or have trouble organising a group to work with, you may simply submit your own
work for individual assessment.
If you wish to submit your assignment answer as part of a group:
1. Select your own group of 2 or 3 people (no more!).
2. All members of the group should sign their own cover sheet (including the word
count) and all cover sheets should be stapled (in family name alphabetical
order) to the front of the assignment.
3. Lodge ONE COPY ONLY of the assignment with 2 or 3 coversheets (depending
on the size of the group) attached in family name alphabetical order.
4. One mark will be allocated for the assignment and this will be the mark assigned
to each group member.
5. Group management issues are the responsibility of the members of the group and
not the teaching staff. Remember: whatever one member contributes to the
assignment, and any consequences that flow from that contribution, is the
responsibility of the group and all members must bear the consequences.
6. If you have difficulty locating others who might like to work in a group with you,
use BUSN1019’s FLO’s discussion board to nominate your interest and locate
others who might live near you or otherwise be likely candidates to work with you.

Read the following facts. Using only principles, concepts and law discussed in BUSN1019
(including the Partnership Act 1891 (SA)), answer each question:

Helen Wong is a    talented fashion designer who has recently wona    number of awards in fashion design in Australia.    She has  been dreaming of setting up her ownline.Her Former design  teacher  Mario,being impressed by the recent    achievement of his star    student,suggests that they set up a business together. Mario’s idea is that Helen should    assist him in designing    luxurious clothing for a niche market, the target  being young famous movie stars and      young top models who need exquisitely designed    clothes    for special occasions. Helen should be    mainlyresponsible    For approaching    potential clients to find out what they     need and      make      sketches      to      be      approved
by      Mario      and      to      be     produced      upon      Mario’s      approval.      Mario
suggests  that      the      as      the      scale      of      the      business    will      probably
be      small,      they      should      hire      Mario’s      friend      Peter      to
be      in      charge      of      the    accounting      and      administration      work.
The      proposed      business      will      be      run      out      of      Mario’s     property
which      is      in      a      commercial      building      .

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