Leadership Project – Taking a Coaching Position with Soccer Shots

Write an essay about Taking a coaching position with soccer shots

The “Leadership Project” will be a well-conceived vision and plan for action for you to implement upon completion of the class. This plan will outline a project of the student’s choosing that will involve you becoming a leader in an organization, work, or team setting. The leadership project will outline exactly what the student hopes to implement and where, what the objective (end result) will be after implementation of the project, the resources necessary to make the project successful, a timetable for implementation of the project, and a plan of evaluation to determine if the project is a success.

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Essay: Leadership Project – Taking a Coaching Position with Soccer Shots


The leadership project outlined in this essay focuses on taking a coaching position with Soccer Shots, a youth soccer program aimed at developing children’s soccer skills and fostering a love for the sport. This project aims to leverage coaching expertise to inspire young athletes, promote teamwork, and instill valuable life skills through soccer.


The successful implementation of this project will result in creating a nurturing and supportive environment where children not only improve their soccer abilities but also develop essential character traits such as resilience, teamwork, and sportsmanship. The vision is to empower young players to realize their full potential on and off the field, fostering a lifelong passion for soccer and personal growth.

Integrity and Trust

To build trust with players, parents, and supervisors, integrity will be at the core of all interactions. Honest communication, transparency in decision-making, and consistency in actions will be prioritized to establish credibility and foster trust within the soccer community.

Use of Information from Authors Discussed in Class

Drawing from concepts learned in class, such as those from Stephen Covey and the Leadership Challenge, this project will emphasize principles of proactive leadership, setting a clear vision, empowering others, and leading by example. Utilizing these frameworks will guide coaching strategies, team management, and decision-making processes within Soccer Shots.


Short-term goals include designing engaging training sessions, building rapport with players, and fostering a positive team culture. Long-term goals involve enhancing player development, expanding the program’s reach in the community, and ensuring a sustainable coaching model. These goals will be formulated using the S.M.A.R.T. criteria to ensure they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.


Personal motivation will stem from the passion for soccer and the desire to make a positive impact on young athletes’ lives. Motivating others will involve recognizing and celebrating achievements, providing constructive feedback, and fostering a sense of belonging within the team. Courageous conversations may be necessary to address challenges, set expectations clearly, and align everyone with the overarching vision.


Aligning with personal values of growth, mentorship, and community engagement, this project resonates with the desire to contribute positively to youth development through sports. Skills such as communication, leadership, and empathy will be leveraged to drive project success. Recognizing the need for continuous improvement, skills development plans will be crafted to enhance areas such as conflict resolution, adaptive coaching techniques, and program management.


Internal obstacles may include self-doubt or burnout from managing multiple responsibilities. External challenges could arise from scheduling conflicts, resource constraints, or unexpected events impacting program delivery. Strategies to overcome these obstacles include time management techniques, seeking support from mentors or colleagues, and maintaining open communication channels to address issues proactively.


In conclusion, the leadership project of taking a coaching position with Soccer Shots presents an opportunity to combine passion for soccer with leadership development and community engagement. By embodying integrity, trust, and utilizing learned concepts from class readings, this project aims to inspire young athletes, foster teamwork, and create a positive impact within the Soccer Shots program. Through setting clear goals, motivating oneself and others, leveraging self-knowledge, and overcoming obstacles, the vision of empowering youth through soccer will be pursued with dedication and enthusiasm.



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