Kink/Alternative Sexuality into a working definition

-Define Kink/Alternative Sexuality into a working definition for the paper
-recognition of the complexity of context within the communities and cultures
-Definition of cultures/subcultures and why Kink Communities fit into those definitions-Why Kink/Alternative Sexualities should be considered a “culture”
-Associated stigmas that Kink Identified Individuals/cultures face
-Stigmas from medical providers
-Societal Stigmas
-Stigmas within the workplace (to be addressed providing Supervision to new counselors who also identify as Kinky)
-Minority stress that effects stigmatized populations (professional, medical, etc)-also causing failure to be authentic in workplace or for clients in counseling
-Why all this may be important to take into account when a Clinical Counseling Supervisor is supervising another Kink Identified Professional (who is a counselor in training) or providing supervision to a counselor in training who is working with clients who are kink identified.

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