Kinesiology 1352

Kinesiology 1352

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NAME: Jesus Flores DATE:
Lab 3: Cardiorespiratory Fitness Worksheet
Review Questions:
Use chapter 3 in your textbook to help you answer the following review questions about cardiorespiratory fitness.
What is the definition of cardiorespiratory fitness? Cardiorespiratory refers to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to skeletal muscles during sustained physical activity.

Which organs/physiological systems are included in the cardiorespiratory system?
What is a common exercise test used to determine cardiorespiratory fitness level?
List 8 specific benefits of incorporating regular cardiorespiratory endurance exercise into your exercise regime:
VO2max can be measured in a laboratory setting and estimated using field tests. List one advantage and one disadvantage to each testing method:
Designing an Exercise Program for Cardiorespiratory Fitness:
Refer to pages 70-72 of your textbook, Applying the FITT Equation, to guide you in answering the following questions and designing the framework of your own cardiorespiratory fitness plan.
List two goals for your cardiorespiratory fitness. These goals can be specific (i.e. raising your VO2max by a certain number of points) or general (i.e. Run a 5k). They can also be short-term goals or long-term goals. Make sure they are measurable, attainable goals.
Goal 1:
Goal 2:
Choose the type of activity. Choose at least two endurance exercises to include in your cardiorespiratory fitness plan.

Plan your frequency. Complete the table below by placing an X in the box for the days you plan to complete each activity/exercise. The ACSM recommends at least 3-5 days per week of endurance exercise.


Determine your exercise intensity. Use the formulas below to calculate your target heart rate during your cardiorespiratory endurance exercise sessions. The ACSM recommends a Target Heart Rate Zone between 65% and 90% of Maximun Heart Rate.
Maximum Heart Rate = 220 Age in years = bpm
65% Training Intensity = Maximum Heart Rate bpm X 0.65 = bpm
90% Training Intensity = Maximum Heart Rate bpm X 0.90 = bpm
Target Heart Rate Zone = bpm to bpm
Plan the time or duration that each session will last. According to your textbook, what is the recommended length of each cardiorespiratory endurance exercise sessions? to min

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