Just Mercy and James Baldwin’s short story, “Sonny’s Blues”

Chapter 14 in Bryan Stephenson’s book, Just Mercy and James Baldwin’s short story, “Sonny’s Blues” and consider how one shines a light on the other and/or how certain aspects of each compare to one another (the specifics of which comparison must be determined by you). For example, whether it is that the Baldwin story gives depth and further historical perspective to Stephenson’s work, or that the case histories in the JM chapter make the fictionalized Sonny spring even further to life, you must decide the stance you will take in this comparative paper. Perhaps you are interested in looking more closely at the similar yet disparate endings that both include art or in evaluating the language used in both readings (specifically as it relates to their polar genres of fiction/nonfiction). In truth, there are a million different ways to compare these readings; I am intentionally not giving you specific questions to answer as part of the task of this assignment is to think for yourselves and decide what aspects of these readings interest you as scholars. Learning to independently frame the topic of your essay is all part of learning to write well (which on some level is synonymous with taking ownership of your writing). What makes you angry? Sad? What feels unjust and/or beyond comprehension in each of these readings? What feels familiar? Unfamiliar? Where’s the lesson, the revelation in either piece? Is there beauty and if so, where?

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