JN – Qualitativ A1

JN – Qualitativ A1

P14l36 Introduction to Research Methods
Coursework Instructions
Your assignment is to develop a proposal for a research study that can be executed by you in three
months. A research proposal can be understood as “a statement of what the researcher is going to
investigate, why, and the method to be followed (the how) in answering the questionslgosigbd’.” It is,
in other words, a plan for research which explains or justifies why the researcher has chose-n thié f
plan or approach and not another. This means that you will NOT actually collect data, you will
NOT analyze data, and you will NOT have any results to report. A ‘ _ y I
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Research proposals are written for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common to ‘Q
funding for a research project from a funder, to obtain approval to begin one’s ‘disisiw” liiifi’mu‘ 5
and to obtain ethics clearance before beginning data collection. \You will basic , 4.9: sci a Ki Till”
1:99:23: Midisscrmtieeflihafiizring semester-
The purpose of this coursework is to evaluate your learning by testin Your ability? ‘4’”
knowledge you have gained to the design of a meaningful and viablefmi’? ‘ V rm“ . . t
coursework is also designed to encourage you to begin thinking argue-(«5
The study may be on any to ic of your choosingand must emloy Fits V7
You may use uantitative methoqs ‘ n q’ i o Ialitative u ions Le. mutedfln a
in mind that your mark will be largely based on your proposed usewofilb i
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In your proposal, you should draw on the module readings as well as materialisgw ills?» ‘ a
illustrate and support your arguments. For instance, aim to illustrate your WW $1.732 x w
your data collection and sampling strategies with examples of academic {arm
from the assigned readings, but also other studies published in academic {MN

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