Jesus of Nazareth: Which Bible Gospel is most Believable


Jesus of Nazareth: Which Bible Gospel is most Believable


Matthew’s, Mark’s, Luke’s and John’s gospels present four different images of Jesus Christ. These differences exist because of differences of time, location, sources,
audience, and theology. However, there is only one historical person, Jesus of Nazareth.

Question: Which gospel image of Jesus do you find to be the most effective? That is to say, which image of Jesus is most believable and does the best job of
witnessing to the faith? Support your argument with reference to the text. (You are doing both history and theology here. Remember to be clear of the differences)

the baptism and the death of Jesus because they different in all four gospels. so say that Luke’s Gospel is the most accurate representation of Jesus. Compare why you
think that and support why you think Luke is most believable.


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