Java Program Demonstrating Pre-Increment Operator

Question One
Write a Java program that demonstrates the use of the pre-increment operator (++i). In your program, you should:1. Define an integer variable i and initialize it to 5.2. Use the pre-increment operator to increment i before using it in this arithmetic expression (pre-increment operator + 10).3. Define an integer variable result to hold the result of arithmetic expression.4. Print the value of i after the increment.5. Print the result of the arithmetic expression where i is incremented using the pre-increment operator.6. Note: you must take a screenshot of the output Sample of the run:
Question Two
Compare between high-level language and low-level language with an example. A. DefinitionsB. Examples
Question Three
Write a program that asks for the user’s student name, student ID, and college name and prints a welcome message for the student. You must enter your real information. Here is a sample run of the program: Sample: Enter Student first name: AhmadEnter Student second name: Ali Enter Student ID :1234567 Enter collage name: College of Computing and Informatics Welcome Ahmad Ali in the College of Computing and Informatics

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Below are the solutions to your questions, including the Java programs and comparisons requested.

Question One: Java Program Demonstrating Pre-Increment Operator

Here’s the Java program that demonstrates the use of the pre-increment operator (++i):

public class PreIncrementDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Step 1: Define an integer variable i and initialize it to 5
int i = 5;

// Step 2: Use the pre-increment operator to increment i before using it in an arithmetic expression
int result = ++i + 10; // Using pre-increment operator

// Step 4: Print the value of i after the increment
System.out.println(“Value of i after increment: ” + i);

// Step 5: Print the result of the arithmetic expression
System.out.println(“Result of the arithmetic expression (pre-increment + 10): ” + result);

Expected Output Screenshot

When you run the program, you should see output similar to:

Value of i after increment: 6
Result of the arithmetic expression (pre-increment + 10): 16

Make sure to take a screenshot of your console output after running the program.

Question Two: Comparison Between High-Level Language and Low-Level Language

A. Definitions

1. High-Level Language:

– High-level languages are programming languages that are easy for humans to read and write. They are abstracted from the machine code, allowing developers to write programs using syntax similar to human language or mathematical notation. These languages typically manage memory automatically and have rich libraries for various tasks, which enhances productivity.

2. Low-Level Language:

– Low-level languages are programming languages that provide little abstraction from a computer’s instruction set architecture. They are closer to machine code, allowing for direct manipulation of hardware and memory. Low-level languages often require detailed management of memory and resources, making them more complex and less intuitive than high-level languages.

B. Examples

1. High-Level Language Example: Python, Java, C#

– Example Code (Python):

print(“Hello, World!”)

2. Low-Level Language Example: Assembly Language, Machine Code (binary)

– Example Code (Assembly):

MOV AX, 1 ; Move the value 1 into register AX
INT 21h ; Call DOS interrupt to print

Question Three: Program for Student Information

Here’s a simple Java program that prompts the user for their student information and prints a welcome message:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class StudentWelcome {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

// Step 1: Ask for the user’s student name
System.out.print(“Enter Student first name: “);
String firstName = scanner.nextLine();

System.out.print(“Enter Student second name: “);
String secondName = scanner.nextLine();

// Step 2: Ask for student ID
System.out.print(“Enter Student ID: “);
String studentID = scanner.nextLine();

// Step 3: Ask for college name
System.out.print(“Enter college name: “);
String collegeName = scanner.nextLine();

// Step 4: Print welcome message
System.out.println(“Welcome ” + firstName + ” ” + secondName + ” in the ” + collegeName);

// Close the scanner

Sample Run

When you run this program, it will prompt you for input and display a message similar to:

Enter Student first name: Ahmad
Enter Student second name: Ali
Enter Student ID: 1234567
Enter college name: College of Computing and Informatics
Welcome Ahmad Ali in the College of Computing and Informatics

Make sure to enter your real information when running the program!

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