Internet systems developments software technologies

Compare at least 3 Internet systems developments software technologies for use at Pine Valley Furniture.
Analyze how the selected Internet systems developments software technologies support Pine Valley Furniture’s core business processes. Please note that you should always consider that your audience may be more business-oriented than technical oriented so you need to spell out what you mean in regards to how this supports Pine Valley Furniture’s core business processes and not provide just a technical description.
Justify why an Internet systems developer might choose a specific type of technology instead of another type of technology for Pine Valley Furniture.
Explain how these technologies can bring value to Pine Valley Furniture. Please note that you should always consider that your audience may be more business-oriented than technical oriented so you need to spell out what you mean in regards to how this provides value to Pine Valley Furniture’s business and not provide just a technical description.
Incorporate additional research (at least one external reference in addition to the class material) to support your comparison.

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