Informational Interview

Week 8: Informational Interview
Template and Grading Rubric
This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g.

Week8_Informational_Interview_Template_Smith.docx). Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it.
A grading rubric is also available at the end of this document.
There are FIVE steps to the Informational Interview.
Step 1: Compile a list of individuals in your target career field whom you would like to interview. Try to identify people who are working at a company in which you

are interested. This is a good opportunity to practice your networking skills. Let your classmates, friends, family members, and colleagues know that you need to

complete an informational interview with someone in your intended career field. You’ll be amazed at how effective networking can be.

Step 2: Prepare a brief introduction of yourself and the purpose(s) of the informational interview. Prepare a list of open-ended questions that would be appropriate to

ask during the informational interview. An Internet search using “informational interview” will provide you with many examples of questions you might want to use.

Step 3: Practice your interview with a classmate, friend, family member, or colleague and ask them to critique your performance. Identify ways to improve based on

their feedback.

Step 4: Set up a day and time for the interview. Record the interviewee’s responses to your questions. Send a thank-you letter, note, or email to the interviewee

within two business days of completing the interview.

Step 5: Complete the table below and submit it in Week 8.

Your Name:

Interviewee Information
Name of Interviewee
(insert name of your interviewee here)
Contact Information (phone number and/or email address) (Please note that we may contact your interviewee to confirm the interview.)
(insert your interviewee’s contact information here)
(insert name of your interviewee’s company here)
(insert your interviewee’s job title here)

Question #1: (insert your question here)
Response: (insert interviewee’s response to this question here)
Question #2: (insert your question here)
Response: (insert interviewee’s response to this question here)
Question #3: (insert your question here)
Response: (insert interviewee’s response to this question here)
Question #4: (insert your question here)
Response: (insert interviewee’s response to this question here)
Question #5: (insert your question here)
Response: (insert interviewee’s response to this question here)
Question #6: (insert your question here)
Response: (insert interviewee’s response to this question here)
Question #7: (insert your question here)
Response: (insert interviewee’s response to this question here)
Question #8: (insert your question here)
Response: (insert interviewee’s response to this question here)
Question #9: (insert your question here)
Response: (insert interviewee’s response to this question here)
Question #10: (insert your question here)
Response: (insert interviewee’s response to this question here)
Summarize your learnings from the informational interview. Think about what you’ve learned about the company, the interviewee’s career path, your potential career

path, the company culture, skills that you may need but don’t have, etc. (minimum 100 words)

Grading Rubric: Informational Interview
Criteria that Submitted Assignment Meets    Total Points Possible for Assignment
Informational interview has been completed, name and contact information for interviewee is provided, questions and answers are documented, and learnings are

summarized. Deduct up to 10 points for spelling and grammatical errors.    90-100
Deduct points for missing elements of the assignment. Deduct up to 10 points for spelling and grammatical errors.    0-89


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