Informal Action Plan


Informal Action Plan



Reflection and improvement are important parts of your everyday personal and professional life. Take time to think about what you’ve learned and done in this course. What do you know how to do that you couldn’t do before? How have you grown? What strengths and skills have you developed or improved upon? Has your professional image changed? How? What about your goals? In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to discuss your next steps and develop an action plan based upon the feedback you’ve received throughout this session. After completing this assignment, you will be better equipped to revise your ePortfolio, professional emails, interview responses, cover letter, and resume. Review your ePortfolio and make mental note of the exhibits you’ve added throughout this course. Review your Career Plan along with the feedback you received on it from Career Services. Also, review all the other written assignments you’ve completed in this course, and reflect on your ePortfolio presentation. Gather all the feedback you’ve received from peers, instructors, and other professionals, including career services. Write your answers to the following questions: How would you summarize your career development in this course? In what ways have you made progress toward workplace readiness? What are your three career goals for the immediate future? How will you pursue those goals? What do you still need to improve about your ePortfolio exhibits, your business email, your cover letter, and your resume before they are in their final form? Your action plan should also include written responses that address the following: Explain the action steps you will take to continue building your ePortfolio. Remember that you will continue to develop your portfolio in CAPS265. What ePortfolio needs will you fulfill during the next course? What still needs to be replaced, added, filled in, and so on? Discuss how you will successfully articulate your skills in future job interviews and other future job searches and opportunities. Remember to use the feedback you received this session in working to develop your possible responses to interview questions for the future. Submit your written action plan in MS Word document format using the ?Submit?


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