Individual Online Presentation;

Individual Online Presentation;

Task Description    Choose a specific health care topic of interest to you. Consider the topic carefully to ensure it is a topic that you can use for both Assessment 1 and Assessment 3.
Once you have chosen a health care topic, find a written procedure that guides or directs health care related to your specific topic. You may wish to use a written procedure from a Local Health Network or Health Care Service for this task. You
may also choose to access NSW Health’s Policy Directives & Guidelines webpage
to find a relevant procedure:

This assessment task requires you to construct a three (3) minute blended digital media presentation (digital explanation) that documents your analysis of the topic and the procedure that supports health care related to your topic.
It is anticipated that your digital media presentation on your topic & the written
procedure will cover the following points (adapted from ISBAR):

•    Introduction – present a brief description / summary of your chosen topic and
identify the written procedure you have chosen

•    Situation / Context – describe the clinical setting where healthcare related to
your topic and written procedure would be undertaken

•    Background – present the background information on your topic & the written procedure. This should include an explanation about why your topic is
important and include description of:

The population the written procedure relates to

The intervention or aspect of healthcare being implemented

The anticipated outcome of the written procedure

Also provide information on when the written procedure was
developed & by whom

Assessment – present your views on the topic & written procedure. This may

Could the topic be described as using evidence based practice?

Is the written procedure supported by and appropriate amount and appropriate quality of research evidence?

Is the research evidence used in the written procedure recent?

Does the written procedure support clinical decision making by the health care professional?

Does the written procedure cover all the important concepts relevant to your written procedure?

•    Recommendations – describe whether this written procedure provides you with enough detail to safely provide high quality care to a person who requires it. Is the topic using evidence based practice?

Conclude your digital explanation by summarising your learning in completing this
assessment task
This assignment is quite flexible in topic and format. You are to produce a multimedia story or explanation that can be shared with others, giving a ‘reality bite’ insight into the topic and the clinical procedure that supports it.
The digital explanation can be made using Windows Movie Maker (PC), Windows
Live Movie Maker (PC) or iMovie (Mac).
It is expected that your finished presentation will include an audio narration that enables the marker to assess your knowledge and understanding of the above concepts. Your finished presentation must be uploaded to the assignment Dropbox in the Moodle site in a format that can be viewed as a movie (.MP4, .mov, .wmv files).
See web site for generic examples and resources.

Referencing Style    Numbered footnotes can be used for referencing in this task. Please ensure that all images as well as sources are referenced within the video.
If footnotes are used then ensure that a full reference list using the Author – Date
(Harvard) system is included as a credits page at the end of the video.

Subject Learning
Outcomes Assessed
a) Critically analyse the nature of evidence in health care practice.
d) Demonstrate enhanced information retrieval, critical reading, research appreciation and research critiquing skills.
f) Critically evaluate the factors that contribute to the application of existing research/evidence to health care practice.

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