Individual Aesthetic Response

Individual Aesthetic Response Locate a piece of art for which your initial reaction was that it was ugly or monstrous (this does not mean the art needs to represent a monster, just that you felt it was monstrous). Explain why you thought it was ugly or monstrous. Then describe what kind of perceptual lens would be needed to present the object as beautiful. Analyze the difference between your original perceptual lens and the lens that would see the art object as beautiful.

GNED 1201 Fourth Assignment
Individual Aesthetic Response
Requirements: individual assignment
Style: Essay style, including proper referencing of sources; must include reproduction of piece of art you are discussing
Length: 3-4 typed, double spaced pages (not including image)
Value: 20/25/30%
Submission: email to [email protected] BEFORE 6pm Wednesday June 20, 2018
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This assignment asks you to evaluate the nature of aesthetic experience and response by focusing on your own response to a piece of art. In completing the assignment, you may wish to refer back to the concept introduced early in the course and through Elaine Scarry’s “On Being Wrong” that our perception of art is capable of changing as we see it in a new light.
Locate a piece of art for which your initial reaction was that it was ugly or monstrous (this does not mean the art needs to represent a monster, just that you felt it was monstrous). You will need to include a reproduction of that piece of art in the assignment.
Within the essay, explain why you thought that piece of art was ugly or monstrous. Consider that the lens (perspective) through which you originally viewed that piece of art was what led you to perceive it as ugly or monstrous. You should describe how you came to have that lens as you viewed that piece of art.
Then describe what kind of perceptual lens would be needed to present the object as beautiful. Analyze the difference between your original perceptual lens and the lens that would see the art object as beautiful. This does not mean that you necessarily have to view the art piece as beautiful; you just need to be able to describe what kind of lens a person would need in order to see the object as beautiful.
Be sure to properly and full cite the source for the advertisement using APA or MLA style.
Proficient Competent Acquiring
Assignment requirements Assignment includes all required elements and is of appropriate length; the selection of a piece of art is insightful and relevant to the discussion included Assignment includes a reproduction of a piece of art and explains the dual lenses of beauty and ugliness and falls within the page length required Assignment is missing the reproduction or is too short of long or does not address the task of the assignment
Describes original perceptual lens Assignment describes the perseptual leans of the student clearly using examples that demonstrate vividly the lens and integrate the description into the rest of the text Assignment describes the perceptual lens of the student with clear terms and examples to demonstrate the concept Assignment may attempt to describe the perceptual lens but do so incompletely or not at all
Describes alternate perceptual lens and compares the two An alternate perceptual lens is clearly described using art terms and concepts; it includes an example and clearly demonstrates what a view through the lens would look like The alternate perceptual lens is described clearly using art terms or other concepts and includes clear explanation, which may include an example An alternate perceptual lens may be lacking or may be described only superficially or without reference to art terms and concepts
Uses aesthetic concepts and terminology Aesthetic terminology and concepts are used throughout the assignment and are expertly woven into the overall discussion Aesthetic terminology and concepts are referred to within the response and used correctly Aesthetic terminology and concepts may be absent or may be used incorrectly or in inappropriate places
Demonstrates growth and change as a result of the analysis Assignment includes an insightful reflection on the change that did or would need to take place and smoothly integrates its discussion into the rest of the assignment Assignment includes a reflection on the change that did or would need to take place to view the art discussed through a different lens Assignment does not include student reflection, or reflection is framed generically or is superficial
Writing Assignment is written in clear, coherent sentences; uses vocabulary appropriate to content, context and audience; easy to read and understand Assignment is comprehensible and well organized but may be wordy, employ passive voice, or have poor sentence/paragraph structure Assignment is legible but has poor sentence or paragraph structures or word choices
Grammar Assignment is grammatically correct with no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors Assignment has few errors or only minor ones (i.e. typos) Assignment has multiple or persistent errors

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