In the Fourth Century the Roman Empire split between the Western Empire

In the Fourth Century the Roman Empire split between the Western Empire, headquartered in Rome, and the Eastern Empire, headquartered in what became Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul). The Eastern Empire survived, in one form or another, until 1453 CE. By the end of the Fifth Century, however, the Western Empire had been destroyed/conquered.

Select at least two of the issues listed below and (A) explain how developments related to that issue differed for the Eastern/Byzantine Empire and the Western Empire and (B) the why those differences led to the Eastern/Byzantine Empire’s longevity. Your submission should be in essay format.

1.External Enemies
-The Western Empire – Goths, Visogoths, Franks, Huns, etc.
-The Eastern Empire – Arabs, Bulgars, etc.
2.Religious Institutions
-The Western Empire – Roman Catholicism and assorted other beliefs.
-The Eastern Empire – Rise of the Greek Orthodox Church.
3.Civil Institutions
-The Western Empire – Diocletian and Constantine’s reforms.
-The Eastern Empire – The Justinian Code; Justinian’s building program.
4.Economic Life
-The Western Empire – Control and coercion in the face of the changing economic climate.
-The Eastern Empire – Growth of Constantinople as a center of trade.

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