: Identifying dependent variables ;
Week 5. Activity 1: Identifying dependent variables ;
Purpose: Identifying the independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV) is a key skill you need to pass the mid-unit and final exams.
Your task: In this assessment task, you have been given some example hypothesis and research output and you need to identify the independent and dependent variables. Post your response on your discussion board.
Interact/Respond: Review other students’ posts and don’t forget to provide your feedback to other students!
Time/Length: 20 mins, 10 words and completed by Thursday of Week 5.
1. Players that score more goals are on a higher income
2. Children that play violent video games are more likely to be offenders
3. Mangos grown in Australia are larger than those grown in Thailand
4. Students that drink coffee before class take more notes than those that drink water
All good variable names should be worded as something you could ask of your mother! For example, you can ask your mother “What is the number of guests at the party?” but you wouldn’t ask her “What is the guests at party?”. Likewise, you could ask someone “What is your mode of transport?”, but you wouldn’t ask “what is your transport’?Tip for naming variables:
Observe d Prop.
Test Prop. Asymp. Sig. (1-
MP3 Group 1 Yes 30 .60 .80 .001a,b
Group 2 No 20 .40
Total 50 1.0
Statistic Std. Error
hours of exercise Mean 4.201 .1799
95% Confidence Lower Bound 3.844
Interval for Mean Upper Bound 4.558
5% Trimmed Mean 4.218
Median 4.249
Variance 3.235
Std. Deviation 1.7987
Test Value = 3.5
Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
hours of exercise 3.895 99 .000 .7006 .344 1.058
Statistic Std. Error
hours of exercise Mean 4.201 .1799
95% Confidence Lower Bound 3.844
Interval for Mean Upper Bound 4.558
5% Trimmed Mean 4.218
Median 4.249
Variance 3.235
Std. Deviation 1.7987