Hs culture & pysch discussion 10 & 11
Hs culture & pysch discussion 10 & 11
Culture exerts a major influence on the identification, labeling, course, and outcomes of maladaptive behaviors. Culture provides context for abnormal behaviors.
Junko Tanaka-Matsumi
The symptoms that lead to a diagnosis of a disease or disorder in one culture may not be the same in another. Consider the cultural factors that lead to these differences and how this difference of conceptualization would impact the treatment and recovery of disease. Through your readings last week, you may now have a better understanding of how each culture has its own beliefs about the causes and treatment of illness. The same reasoning applies to mental health and the definition of abnormal psychology. Should behaviors that go against social norms define mental illness?
This week, you explore culture-specific definitions of mental health. You also analyze the influence of Western medicine on these definitions.
Global Tribe. (2003). Arun Gandhi on terrorism, nonviolence, and Gandhi. Retrieved fromhttp://www.pbs.org/kcet/globaltribe/voices/voi_gandhi.html
Analyze cultural attitudes, beliefs, and practices of mental health
Analyze ways to promote positive social change
Discussion 1:wk#11 Defining Mental Health (One page)
Many Western groups advocate viewing mental health issues from a medical model. Providers of mental health services and advocates for the mentally ill use this medical model with the intention of reducing the stigma placed on the individual diagnosed with the mental illness. Yet, consider the startling finding that, those who adopted the biomedical and genetic beliefs about mental illness were most often those who wanted less contact with the mentally ill or thought of them as dangerous and unpredictable (Watters, 2010, p. 173). Western conceptualization of mental health and illness has spread across the globe and impacted how individuals are treated. For example, cultures may have initially been more tolerant of these behaviors due to factors such as externalized locus of control, beliefs in traditional healing, spiritual beliefs, and less expressed emotion. (Watters, 2010)
For this Discussion, review this weeks Learning Resources. Select a culture and consider how this culture perceives mental illness.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 3 your definitions of good mental health and poor mental health. Explain two ways your own culture influences your definitions of mental health. Then explain how your definition of mental health might differ from that of your selected culture. Finally, describe a behavior that is considered normal in your culture but would be considered abnormal in the culture you selected. Support your responses using the Learning Resources and the current literature.
Discussion 2: wk#11 Social Change (One page)
In this course, you may have found it interesting to discover how extensively culture impacts psychology. Culture influences human development, identity and personality, attitudes and beliefs, and healthcare. As a scholar-practitioner, you may want to create a positive social change. In doing so, reflect on your future role as a scholar-practitioner. Consider the possible future research related to culture and psychology you might be interested in conducting. Think about how you may affect social change.
For this Discussion, reflect on how learning about the impact of culture on human psychology can help you develop as a scholar-practitioner, dedicated to positive social change.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 6 a brief description of two topics related to culture that you might be interested in researching further. Then, as a future scholar-practitioner, explain two ways you might impact social change in relation to culture and psychology. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points.
Do you consider yourself to be in good health? What is the basis for this assessment? You may use doctors, healers, family, and religion to help create your construct of health. Different cultures have different concepts of health and disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) explains that health is not just the absence of disease but comprises total wellness, which includes your physical, mental, and social well-being. Regardless of how your health construct is created, it is important that the focus is on good health and health promotion. Better health leads to happiness, economic progress, greater longevity, and productivity. (World Health Organization, 2011) Is your definition similar to the WHOs concept of health?
This week, you explore cultural attitudes and practices related to health. You also analyze the cultural impact of health intervention programs.
World Health Organization. (2011). Mental health. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/topics/mental_health/en/index.html
Analyze cultural attitudes, beliefs, and practices of health
Analyze impacts of cultural attitudes, beliefs, and practices on the success of health intervention programs
HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs
At the 2009 World AIDS Day, Ban Ki-moon, who was the Secretary General of the United Nations, spoke about the next steps to combat AIDS. Ban said (Global Commission, 2011):
I urge all countries to remove punitive laws, policies and practices that hamper the AIDS responseSuccessful AIDS responses do not punish people; they protect themWe must ensure that AIDS responses are based on evidence, not ideology, and reach those most in need and most affected. (p. 1)
In 2010, The Global Commission on HIV and Law was launched by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) to make recommendations to countries for better HIV response and treatment. This commission was formed to help eradicate HIV/AIDS globally by changing cultural beliefs about the illness through legal changes, health prevention, and education. Consider how culture-specific concepts of HIV/AIDS, among other psychological processes, may impact the likelihood o
Assignment Task
The coursework is divided into three tasks. The deadline date for submitting the report on TurnItIn at Midday (12pm) on Thursday 16th April 2015 The report will include the code, description, Pseudo code, and screen shots of each task.
Task One:
Create a project called WindowsCalculator1: