: How would you define good music?


: How would you define good music? While there are all kinds of music everywhere, some of them seem to be better than others in one way or another


How would you define good music? While there are all kinds of music
everywhere, some of them seem to be better than others in one way or another. In fact,
it is not easy to define what is ‘goodness’ in music. If a certain music is loved by many
people, can we say that it is a good music? What if people‘s opinion changes with
time? Present your idea on what you think good music is-

Try to state the idea on good music in general, but not about a particular good song or

A this is the professor explanation about the idea(topic)


1.(length) : An essay should consist of 400 – 500 words if written in English, or 1,200
1,500 characters excluding spaces if written in Korean. The title and student
identification are not included in the counting-

2. (Structure) :The essay must consist of a few paragraphs separating introduction (1
paragraph), main text (2 ~ 4 paragraphs), and summary/conclusion (1 paragraph)-
However, do not use titles for sections or paragraphs since the structure should be
obvious from what is written. The introduction should be a good beginning laying out
what is to be discussed. The main text should be logically clear and consistently
proceeding towards the conclusion- It should be divided into 2 ~ 4 paragraphs, each
containing its own arguments or examples. The summary/conclusion should be a good
ending without abrupt or hasty termination.

3.(logic): In essence, the logic must be clear, straightforward, and persuasive. Each
sentence should contribute to the message of the paragraph, and each paragraph
should contribute to the conclusion. In the end, it should be clear what is being argued
for, and why it is considered reasonable- While it doesn’t have to be scientifically

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