How depression affect students abilities to become successful in in-person classes
How does depression affect students abilities to become successful in in-person classes?
Investigative Report Key Features of a Report:
Defines an issue, problem, or phenomenon in precise terms
Makes clear why the topic under consideration needs to be investigated
Provides trustworthy facts and details that help readers understand the effect of this topic and determine who has a stake in the situation
Cites appropriate source material to convey the perspectives of various groups with a stake in the issue
Relies on appropriate organization and design
Identifies the conclusion readers should reach
Your investigative report will have the following sections. Please note: these are sections, not paragraphs. You will have a new paragraph for every new idea.
Introductory Paragraph with your research question and thesis State very clearly what your topic is and explain your position/stance on the problem/issue.
Describe the problem/issue What is the problem/issue associated with your topic/research question. Be specific and explain why it is a problem/issue that
needs to be solved.
Describe/explain the different perspectives or possible answers to your research question Be specific. Don’t use “everyone” as being affected by the…