History 1763-1774

I am writing as my assigned avatar. I should include the date and time of the entry. I need to show empathy
and include my perspective in the world around me. I also need to write to engage the reader. My minimum
word threshold is 500 but I can go over if I need to. I attached the assignment, I am assigned avatar #38 and I
will attach the description of the avatar and I am on Avatar entry #2 but I will also attach that too. Thank you
38) Born in Southhampton County, Virginia; parents: slaves on a tobacco plantation (father, Obolo, was
enslaved as child; your mother born a slave in Virginia, her mother’s father was Ashanti, her father’s mother
was Yamasee); you are male and have two older sisters; your mother is what today would be called a “horse
Avatar Entry 2
Time Period Covered: 1763-1774. In 1774 your Avatar will be 11 years old. The time period covers the
American Revolution, the change in popular affiliation by a critical mass of English colonists that will precipitate
the American Revolutionary War and the creation of the United States as a new nation. In writing for this entry,
you must keep in your mind that your Avatar is a child: how do these events appear to someone of gradeschool age? How would they perceive their parents’ responses to the Revolution, the responses of other adults
in their world? If your Avatar lives in Spanish America or in a Native-American nation or is enslaved, would the
American Revolution be important to their lives?

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