Historical development of state surveillance in the US

Draw upon the relevant assigned course readings to answer the questions below as
thoroughly as possible. Make sure to address all components of the prompts.
Make sure that you are answering the specific questions below – rather than falling into unfocused
summaries of the texts that address issues not relevant for answering the specific questions posed.
Be sure to fully define/explain/elaborate the concepts and arguments you discuss. Question 1: Parenti’s
Analysis of Surveillance [50%]
a. How does Parenti explain the historical development of state surveillance in the US – what main
arguments does he emphasize?
Reading (Parenti Chapter 1,2) pdf.

b. How do his analyses of slavery and “Chinese Exclusion” illustrate his main arguments?
Reading (Parenti Chapter 5, p. 1-32, 61-76 ) pdf.
c. How does he approach/conceptualize “privacy”? Reading (Parenti Chapter 1,2) pdf.
Question 2: New Surveillance Technologies [50%]

  • According to Marx, what distinguishes “new surveillance” from traditional forms of surveillance?
    Reading ( Marx p.83-89) pdf.
  • How do the authors of “Machine Bias” and “To Predict and Serve?” illustrate the
    racial bias of new surveillance technologies?
    Reading: “Machine Bias”(https://www.propublica.org/article/machine-bias-risk-assessments-in- criminalsentencing )
    Reading: “To Predict and Serve” (https://hrdag.org/publications/to-predict-and-serve/ ). p. 14-19
  • How does Alexander describe the “Newest Jim Crow”? Reading (Alexander pdf) p. 1-3
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