HHS Regulations and APA Code of Conduct

The Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct published and maintained by the American Psychological Association (APA) presents a code of ethics requiring adherence by all licensed psychologists or licensed psychologist-in-training, regardless of specialization. This code of conduct is organized into 10 major standards for the profession of psychology. While the code of conduct provides a broad stroke for the entire profession, some standards do not apply to all specializations of psychology. However, most the ten standards presented maintain broad applicability to many specialties and sub-specialties, especially when conducting research.

Review the HHS Regulations and the APA Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct. Discuss the following:

What sections of the HHS regulations speak to you and why?
Which section and sub-sections in the APA ethical guidelines are specifically relevant to your specialty/discipline in psychology, and why?
How have you incorporated the relevant sections of the ethical guidelines and Code of Conduct in your ARP?

Reference: https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/regulations-and-policy/regulations/index.html

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