Herland and Meaning

Compare and contrast your personal perspective of the meaning of life with examples of meaning from Herland that need to be referenced to an external entity larger than oneself.

• In 1000 or more words, write a paper in which you evaluate Herland’s illustration of the meaning of life.
Activity Details
Perform the following steps:

Step 1: Review your reading of Herland.

Step 2: Check if references from Meaning are relevant.
You may also draw on references from David Cooper’s book Meaning. The novel provides a different context from which to draw examples that support or oppose your point of view.
Step 3: Write your paper.
Evaluate Herland’s illustration of the meaning of life. Compare and contrast your personal perspective with examples of meaning from Herland that need to be referenced to an external entity larger than oneself. The novel provides a different context from which to draw examples that support or oppose your point of view. You may also draw on references from David Cooper’s book Meaning.

Links – https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/32

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