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I am required to write an article for my Company’s paper. I am a government contractor .My primary customers are active duty soldiers and DOD civillians. Our job is Acces Control Specialist.. My article needs to tie into the army motto of fitness and a healthy diet. Soliders must maintain a professional appereance in there uniform.My team and I wear a uniform daily as civilan contracctors. We are the first people our customers see. We need to porject a good impression. we encounter high profile visiitors. We nned to look beter than and as lean as our military. Our job is to ensure the building is safe and secure. We are required to walk the compound daily conducting interior and exterior security check… just as soldiers up runnning PT and fighting on the battle fiield making sure we are secure. We need to be fit mentally and physically to do our job succesfullly. Therfore I challenged my employees to get fitt ,begin a healthy lifesyle and not a diet. We started a 30 Day Big Loser compettion on 11 Jan-11 Feb. Shedding excess Holiday pounds. lol. We conduct weekly weigh in. the goal is to ensure we perform are duty prpperly and safely.. Reducing excess weight will align us with the Army goal of a leaner and lighter miltary.As a team we are excited to do this together. we are supporting each other. encouraging healthy eating. Giving words of wisdome regarding our progress. This alighn with our companys values of UNITY/ As the Site PM… purchased a fruit bowl The solders and employees love and praise my efforts. Instead of candy in my cnady jar. I filled it with nuts intead of candy. Being fit will helps us do our job better and a healthy diet will help our brain work better and live longer. We recevied lots of praise and support for our team efoort to align our team with military standard. I belive when you look good you feel good. I would like to thank all ten of Straford Hall employees for participating in the First Stratford 2016 Big Loser Competion. The winner will be annonced at Red Lobster on 20 Feb. This will be a hoot of a time. A time to celebrate all. We all win because everyone gave 100%. The total weigh loss for 10 employees was 75 pounds. This years winner with a totoal weight loss 15 pounds an 8 percent total body fat weight loss is Ben Anderson. Our second prize winner with 8 pounds and 13% total body fat is Leslie Smith..

The aforemntioned is someone infor to be written in the aritcle. Please align our goal to be fit loose weight…keep our customers safe by being in tip top shape with the Armys way of life. Soldiers condut extensive trainign to keep our nation secure. We must provide the same and project the same professionl image on a daily basis.

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