Healthcare Delivery System Mapping

Obtain the detailed instructions, rubric, and self-assessment checklist from the following links:
HC System Mind Map Instructions and RubricPreview the document
HC System Mind Map Minimum Content and RequirementsPreview the document (use for self-assessment
before submission)
Conduct research and develop a mind map, adding details to the project as the semester unfolds; you are
encouraged to do the updates as you cover the material in class so as not to leave it go to the last minute.
You will be required to submit a draft to illustrate your progress at the end of each week, you may
additionally be requested to meet with me to review your mind map.
Prepare the Mindmap according to the attached detailed instructions
Sketchboard Mind-Mapping Tool (Links to an external site.) (sign up for FREE account using your WCTC
school email address)

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