Healthcare Analytics

Go through the Excel tutorial provided on the following link: Excel Database Creation Tutorial (Links to an external site.). Using the information from your readings in the overview, choose one of the headings (e.g., Providers, Payers, and so forth) and create a simple database using the information you learned from the excel tutorial and the CSBI materials. Explain how the rows and columns you created would help you further analyze the information. Submit the database with explanation of how a database is created and how it functions.

Required Resources
Davenport, T., & McNeill, D. (2014). Analytics in healthcare and the life sciences: Strategies, implementation, methods, and best practices. Retrieved from

Part IV: Overview of Healthcare Analytics Best Practices Across the Ecosystem. These textbook readings will provide assistance with the CSBI exam and the discussion question by helping the student understand why spreadsheets and databases are useful in presenting best practice analytics.
Web Page
French, T. (2016). How to create a database in Excel (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from

This resource provides the basics of how to use Microsoft Excel to create a database for management of critical data and will provide information to assist in the discussion question on database creation.
Healthcare Financial Management Association (Links to an external site.). (n.d.). Retrieved from

The Healthcare Financial Management Association is an organization of healthcare finance leaders that builds and supports coalitions with other healthcare associations and industry groups to face the challenges the U.S. healthcare system faces today. This website will provide assistance with your CSBI exam preparation and your assignment. Accessibility Statement does not exist
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