Health Handout

Learning Goal: I’m working on a public health multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Part 1 will be information suitable for a handout to public health clinic staff, focusing on vaccines across the lifespan; and Part 2 will be information suitable for a handout to staff in private primary care groups to help middle aged Hispanic women begin an exercise program. Both Parts 1 and 2 should include a list of resources that might be shared with patients, such as websites and contact information for relevant organizations.

Part #1 (public health clinic staff) should include the following:

  • What Information explaining the timeline for vaccines across the life span.
  • What details regarding the importance of vaccines in wellness and disease prevention, supported by evidence-based guidelines.
  • What details regarding vaccines most often missed to help staff target populations of concern.
  • What Information to help staff understand risky behaviors in patients, such as skipping preventive care services.
  • What Information staff can use to help patients understand the health risks associated with vaccine noncompliance.
  • What Visual aids to help support the content.
  • What are some relevant resources, suitable for a patient handout.

Part #2 (private primary care groups) should include the following:

  • What are some educational information on the importance of encouraging exercise among middle aged Hispanic women.
  • What are some supporting evidence might refer to the high prevalence of overweight and high rates of diabetes in this population.
  • What Information on how to bring about behavior change in the targeted audience:
  • What are some theories of behavior change to underscore factors important in effecting lifestyle changes.
  • What is the Health Belief Model (HBM) and one other model to explain how understanding these models can increase the likelihood of helping a patient have positive health behavior.
  • What are the models could specifically be applied to the target audience.
  • What component(s) of the HBM might be the most challenging for the target audience.
  • What are Visual aids to help support the content.
  • What are some relevant resources, suitable for a patient handout
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