Health and wellness is more than the absence of disease. Therefore being in a state of health and wellness requires more than medical treatment.

Health and wellness is more than the absence of disease. Therefore being in a state of health and wellness requires more than medical treatment.

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Question: To critically reflect on the following statement:
Health and wellness is more than the absence of disease. Therefore being in a state of health and wellness requires more than medical treatment.

In your reflection of the above statement,you must include:
1. Discussion of the concepts of health, wellness, illness and disease
2. Identification of biopsychosocial factors that impact on health and wellness
3. An example of biopsychosocial factors contributing to illness
4. An example of psychosocial factors being the main contributors to illness
5. Critical analysis of general responses to health and wellness issues
6. An example of a behavioural response and an example of a cognitive response to
health and wellness issues

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