HDLs (high-density lipoproteins)


Which lipoprotein transports dietary fat to the cells in your body?
a.VLDLs (very-low-density lipoproteins)
b.HDLs (high-density lipoproteins)
e.LDLs (low-density lipoproteins)
Which lipoprotein carries cholesterol to the cells in your body, but can get stuck in arteries while traveling in the blood, depositing cholesterol that eventually leads to plaque formation?
b.VLDLs (very-low-density lipoproteins)
d.LDLs (low-density lipoproteins)
e.HDLs (high-density lipoproteins)
Which lipoprotein picks up cholesterol from your arteries and other places in the body and returns it back to the liver for further metabolism?
c.LDLs (low-density lipoproteins)
d.VLDLs (very-low-density lipoproteins)
e.HDLs (high-density lipoproteins)
Which statement is true of amino acids?
a.There are hundreds of them.
b.They are arranged in the same order in all your cells.
c.They make up proteins.
d.The body can make whatever amino acid it needs.
e.They are used to make enzymes and antibodies but not muscle.
The way in which a protein in your body is made is based on your what?
b.nutritional status
e.protein intake
This video describes how the body makes proteins. What is this process known as?
a.protein metabolism
b.protein synthesis
c.DNA testing
e.protein break down
Which of the following is NOT one of the forms of vitamin A in your body and in food listed in the video?
a.retinyl esters
c.retinoic acid
Which food is a source of preformed vitamin A?
a.sweet potatoes
b.leafy greens
c.black beans
What is a potential side effect from eating abundant carotenoid plant foods?
a.a temporary orange tint to skin
b.night blindness
c.dry, scaly skin
d.excessive calcium intake
e.toxic levels of vitamin A in the bloodstream
What is the main function of iron in the body?
a.It builds bone.
b.It treats depression.
c.It grows hair.
d.It carries oxygen.
e.It aids digestion.
Which of these statements is NOT true about iron?
a.It can be dangerous if taken in high amounts.
b.A good source is enriched cereal.
c.It is most often lacking in the diets of women of childbearing age and children.
d.It is a trace mineral.
e.It is difficult to get enough from food alone, so an iron supplement is always advised.
Which of the following foods is a good source of iron?
The Estimated Energy Requirements (EER) equation includes a measure of physical activity that includes all of the following categories EXCEPT which one?
c.very active
e.low active
Estimated energy needs calculated in the Estimated Energy Requirements (EER) are based on all of the following EXCEPT which category?
d.physical activity
e.body composition
Moderate activity level for the Estimated Energy Requirements (EER) is exertion equivalent to what?
a.a treadmill setting of “moderate”
b.jogging 5.5–6.5 miles per hour
c.any activity that increases breathing rate
d.biking 10 miles per hour
e.walking 3.5–4.5 miles per hour
What compound provides energy in a usable form for your cells when they need energy?
When the bonds in carbohydrates, proteins, and fat are broken, energy is released and immediately used to make what?
a.ATP from ADP and phosphate
b.ADP from AMP and phosphate
c.muscles contract
d.the heart beat
e.new proteins
When your cell makes a new compound, such as glycogen from many glucose molecules, usable energy is needed and is obtained by which action?
a.removing a phosphate group from ADP
b.eating more food
c.removing a phosphate group from AMP
d.making more ATP from ADP and phosphate
e.removing a phosphate group from ATP, producing energy plus ADP plus phosphate
When tissues in the body get oxidized, what are created?
a.rust, similar to metal reacting with oxygen
c.vitamins C and E
d.oxygen-free radicals
All of the following are true about antioxidants EXCEPT which statement?
a.If free radicals are absent, antioxidants damage cell tissues.
b.They try to stop the chain reaction of destruction from free radicals.
c.Vitamins C and E are two very important antioxidants.
d.They try to prevent too much oxidation.
e.They allow themselves to get damaged.
Which statement about free radicals is FALSE?
a.In addition to the damage they cause, they are damage themselves.
b.The damage from free radicals can be stopped by antioxidants.
c.They can combine with antioxidants to create vitamins C and E.
d.They can cause a chain reaction of destruction.
e.They can result from tissues like DNA, protein, and fat, getting oxidized.
All of the following are true about the placenta EXCEPT which statement?
a.It is where maternal blood vessels lie side by side with fetal blood vessels.
b.It serves a respiratory function for the fetus.
c.It transfers nutrition to the fetus.
d.It is where fetal and maternal blood mingles.
e.It serves an excretory function for the fetus.
The placenta does all of the following EXCEPT __.
a.maintain the fetus’ body temperature
b.deliver hormones to the fetal bloodstream
c.produce a broad range of hormones that help maintain pregnancy
d.deliver antibodies to the fetal bloodstream
e.deliver nutrients to the fetal bloodstream
Which of the following is true about the placenta?
a.The placenta performs functions that the fetus’ digestive system, lungs, and kidneys will do after birth.
b.The umbilical cord provides cushioning for the fetus.
c.The placenta delivers substances to the fetus, but substances can’t pass through the placenta back to the mother’s bloodstream.
d.The placenta and the amniotic sac are interchangeable terms.
e.The amniotic sac is where the placenta delivers nutrients to the fetus.
Which statement about fluid intake in the aging population is true?
a.It is normal and not a concern if older individuals don’t like the taste of water and decrease fluid intake.
b.Drinking too much water can exacerbate blood pressure problems in the elderly.
c.Decreasing fluid intake can lead to dehydration, which can lead to confusion, urinary tract infection, and pneumonia.
d.As individuals age, fluid intake needs decrease.
e.Fluid intake is only relevant with a regular exercise program.
What are two important nutrient-related aspects to incorporate into an eating pattern as one ages?
a.low fiber and adequate amino acids
b.low carbohydrate and water
c.adequate protein and water
d.very low fat intake and fiber
e.adequate carbohydrate and a 5 percent increase in energy with each decade
Which lifestyle habit was NOT listed in the video as a way to possibly increase lifespan and prevent malnutrition as one ages?
a.Eat fewer calories.
b.Incorporate exercise into a daily routine.
c.Don’t smoke.
d.Consume more nutrients through diet.
e.Include vitamin and mineral supplements to get adequate nutrients

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