Hallelujah", Leonard Cohen vs Jeff Buckley

Hallelujah”, Leonard Cohen vs Jeff Buckley

Order Description

The paper is for an intro level American Music class. It should focus on the music itself, using vocab such as rhythm, meter, melody, scales, harmony, timbre, etc. As

the title indicates, it should be a compare/contrast essay of Leonard Cohen and Jeff Buckley’s performances of “Hallelujah”. Below are the directions, word for word

from the instructor:

-Pick American works (artist/performer some selection from their output)

-Make it a 4-6 page paper with 4 sources (two may be internet).

-If your choices are vocal selections try to talk about the music not only the lyrics or the bio’s of the performers.

-It may NOT be a straight bio or history.

-Make sure the topic concerns an American musician/composition.

-It should be cast in a compare/contrast mold. Read the following for ideas…


A)Compare/Contrast a piano piece by Scott Joplin with one by George Gershwin,

B)Compare/Contrast a song by The Rolling Stones with one by The Beatles,

C)Compare/Contrast an early Police recording with a cover of the same song by somebody else,

D)Compare/Contrast a song from early in Bob Dylan’s carrer with something post “Nashville Skyline”.

Here are a couple of actual paper topics submitted by previous students…

1)”God Must Have Spent A Little More Time on You”

Alabama vs. N’SYNC

The song “God Must Have Spent A Little More Time on You” was sung by two great groups, Alabama in 1999, a great country band and N SYNC in 1998, the all-American boy


2)The Beatles and Rolling Stones

I have listened to the Beatles most popular songs as well as the Rolling Stone s most popular songs, respectively, and throughout listening to these few songs, one

could come to a few conclusions and comparisons about the two bands. I listened to All we need is love and We Can Work It Out composed and sung by the Beatles. Then I

listened to You Can t Always Get What You Want and Sympathy for the Devil , both by the Rolling Stones. Each of these songs were chosen simply because they had the

most hits on my music downloading program Bearshare , therefore signaling their higher position of popularity among Americans to say the least.


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