GSBS6200 – Group Project (30 marks)
GSBS6200 – Group Project (30 marks)
1. After groups are formed by the lecturer in Week 3, groups members are to select a group leader, discuss choice of companies and complete a Project Action Plan. The Project Action Plan must be submitted to the lecturer in Week 5.
2. Group leader to inform lecturer in Week 5 about the choice of companies selected by the group
3. Oral presentation – Week 10 during the lecture time. A copy of the presentation must be given to the lecturer.
4. Written report – On turnitin by AEST midnight of Monday in Week 10 (ie prior to the oral presentation)
Details of group work procedures
Purpose and Function of Group Work
Group work facilitates peer learning and encourages students to develop collaborative skills. Studying collaboratively has shown to directly enhance student learning by:
• enhancing understanding;
• students learning from one another and benefiting from activities that require articulation and testing of their knowledge;
• providing an opportunity for students to clarify and refine their understanding of concepts via discussion and rehearsal with peers.
Group work can facilitate the development of generic skills valued by employers which include:
• teamwork skills (skills in working within team dynamics; leadership skills);
• analytical and cognitive skills (analysing task requirements; questioning; critically interpreting material; evaluating the work of others);
• collaborative skills (conflict management and resolution; accepting intellectual criticism; flexibility; negotiation and compromise); and
• organisational and time management skills.
Procedures for Selecting Groups, Roles and Responsibilities, and Conduct of meetings
Group members will exchange contact details and formulate and agree on aProject Action Plan. The Project Action Plan identifies member roles, group rules, allocated tasks and responsibilities, details problems and issues that may arise and how the group will manage them, and shows agreed project milestones. Students are to actively manage the conduct of meetings and record member contribution. Each group is responsible for keeping and submittinga Group Diary which records details of dates, participants and activities of each group meeting. The Group Diary will be used to assess processes of the project as well as the final report.
Conflict and Grievance Procedures
Group work functions best when everyone participates actively in the development of the project. However, sometimes you will need to address situations where one or more member(s) do not attend meeting(s) or did not complete the assigned work. In the first instance, such conflict and grievance issues should be handled within your group. The Pre-Project Action Plan will provide the details that you agreed at the outset. Should it be necessary, students are required to implement them.
If the grievance issue cannot be resolved within the group, the next step is to discuss the situation with your lecturer/tutor. If the situation cannot be resolved, a meeting will be organised with the course co-ordinator. All members of the group must attend these meetings.
A group mark will beallocated to all members of the group. This group mark will be moderated according to individual group member’s contribution based on evidence from the oral presentation. Correspondence between group members and the Project action plan will also be used.
Project action plan
(Must be completed by each group and submitted on or before the lecture of Week 5)
“Whenever anyone goes to his or her associates and says: “This is what I am good at. This is how I work. These are my values. This is the contribution I plan to concentrate on and the results I plan to deliver” the response is always: “This is most helpful. But why haven’t you told me earlier?”” (Drucker, 1999 p.187).
Course No. Course Name
Group No.
Name (as in University records) Student Number Contact phone / Skype name e-mail
Discussion and agreement made of the grade expectations of all group members:
Project Action Plan
Event Agreed Action
Team member not participating in discussions regularly Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Team member not completing work Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Team member dropping out Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Discussions not achieving goals Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Conflict between members (please include as many areas of conflict you foresee) Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Member not contributingin a timely manner Action 1
Action 2
Member dominating group Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Who will do what in this group work?
Task Person(s) responsible
Agreed Milestones for Project Dates
Date agreed for a mid-project check-up of progress of work against the agreed parts of this plan:
Signed (Must be signed by group leader and all members in the group) Date
Date received by Lecturer Date
Drucker, P. F. (1999) Managing oneself, In Management challenges for the 21st century, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, pp. 163-195.
Project cover sheet
Group Leader’s Name: _________________________________________Student Number________________
Last name First Name
Group Member’s Name: _________________________________________ Student Number________________
Last name First Name
Group Member’s Name: _________________________________________ Student Number________________
Last name First Name
Group Member’s Name: _________________________________________ Student Number________________
Last name First Name
Group Member’s Name: _________________________________________ Student Number________________
Last name First Name
Course Code Course Title
Campus of Study (circle the correct campus):Newcastle / Sydney / Singapore
Assessment Item Title: GROUP PROJECT ON (insert company name)
Tutorial Group: Word Count (If applicable): Due Date/Time:
Lecturer’s Name: ____________________________________________________
Extension Granted: Yes No Granted Until:
Please attach the approved copy of your extension approval.
Include here any instructions / checklist for submission
We declare that this assessment item is our own work unless otherwise acknowledged and is in We declare that this assessment item is our own work unless otherwise acknowledged and is in accordance with the University’s plagiarism policy available from the Policy Library on the web at
We certify that this assessment item has not been submitted previously for academic credit in this or any other course. We certify that I have not given a copy or have shown a copy of this assessment item to another student enrolled in the course..We acknowledge that the assessor of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessing this assignment:
• Reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another member of the Faculty; and/or
• Communicate a copy of this assessment item to a plagiarism checking service (which may then retain a copy of the item on its database for the purpose of future plagiarism checking).
• Submit the assessment item to other forms of plagiarism checking.
We certify that any electronic version of this assignment item that we have submitted or will submit is identical to this paper version.
Turnitin ID:
Signature of group leader:_________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature of group members: Date:__________________
Group Diary
STATUS OF ASSIGNMENT (started; to schedule; behind schedule; completed):
Group project details (30 marks)
Financial Statement Analysis and Report
Objectives of the task
• Apply theory in practice
• Conduct analysis of financial statement – to look beyond the numbers
• Experience formal report writing and skills in interpreting financial statements.
The task
• Select two companies in the same industry listed on the Australian Stock Market.
• Your analysis will be based on the latestavailable three years annual reports (full year’s report) which include the financial statements (Balance sheet, Income statement, and Statement of cash flows) and explanatory notes of your selected companies.
• You must inform your lecturer during the lecture in week 5, the names of the two companies and the industry.
• No two groups can work on the same two companies (if two groups pick the same two companies the lecturer will use a first come first served basis only to permit one group to work on the two companies)
You will need to collect data for the latest three years for the selected companies from the financial statements and other relevant information and conduct:
a) Horizontal analysis of the Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement (refer Page 274 of your text book)
b) Vertical analysis of the Income Statement and Balance Sheet (refer Page 274 of the text book)
c) Ratio analysis (using two ratios for each of the five ratio categories (ie two ratios for Profitability; two ratios for Efficiency, two ratios for liquidity, two ratios for Financial gearing, and two ratios for Investment analysis (refer Pages257 to 280 of the text book)
Your analysis should
• include relevant data to help a prospective investor decide in which of the two companies to invest all his life-time savings.
• include an in-depth evaluation of the company’s overall outlook for the future should be included.
• Your presentation should take the form of a formal report.
• Your report must be printed and your discussion should be 3000 words (maximum limit).
• Your calculations must be included in an appendix and properly quoted/referenced in your report
• Whenever necessary your report must be properly referenced.
• Your report should be structured along the following lines:
– executive summary
– information about the company & industry and other relevant background information
– financial statement analysis – (a) horizontal, (b) vertical and (c)ratios
– analysis of the pros and cons of investing in the company
– summary, conclusion and recommendation
– appendices (calculations showing formulas used and the company financial data)
– bibliography
• Group leader to submit the group report via Turnitin on Blackboard or before the due date.
Assessment Criteria for Group Case Study Oral Presentation (10%)
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Delivery and Enthusiasm Very clear and concise flow of ideas.
Demonstrates passionate interest in the topic and engagement with the class Clear flow of ideas
Demonstrates interest in topic and engagement with the class Most ideas flow but focus is lost at times
Limited evidence of interest in and engagement with the topic Hard to follow the flow of ideas
Lack of enthusiasm and interest Very hard to follow the flow of ideas
No enthusiasm and interest
Visuals Visuals augmented and extended comprehension of the issues in unique ways Use of visuals related to the material Limited use of visuals loosely related to the material No use of visuals No use of visuals
Staging Uses stage effects, such as props, sound effects, in a unique and dramatic manner that enhances the understanding of the issues in the case study Uses stage effects, such as props, sound effects, in an effective manner to extend understanding of the issues in the case study Limited use of stage effects, and/or used in a manner that did not enhance the understanding of the issues in the case study. No use of stage effects No use of stage effects
Involvement of the class:
-Generating discussion
-Activities Excellent and salient discussion points that elucidated material to develop deep understanding
Appropriate and imaginative activities used to extend understanding in a creative manner Questions and discussion addressed important information that developed understanding
Appropriate activities used to clarify understanding Questions and discussion addressed surface features of the topic
Limited use of activities to clarify understanding Little or no attempt to engage the class in learning No attempt to engage the class in learning
Response to Class Queries
Excellent response to student comments and discussion with appropriate content supported by theory/research Good response to class questions and discussion with some connection made to theory/research Satisfactory response to class questions and discussion with limited reference to theory and research Limited response to questions and discussion with little reference to theory/research No response to questions and discussion with no reference to theory/research
Presentation score (10)
Assessment Criteria for Group Case Study Written Report (20%)
Criteria Marks Excellent Satisfactory Poor
100%-75% 74%-50% 49%-0%
Presentation of the written report
0.5 The report is well presented with consistent use of formatting, headings and supporting tables/graphics. The formatting and layout of the report is inconsistently presented.
Inconsistent use of formatting, headings and supporting tables/graphics
The formatting and layout is poor indicating a lack of professionalism.
Either appropriate headings are not used and/or there is a lack of formatting and/or there is a lack of supporting tables/graphics
Referencing 2 Referencing appropriate with no errors or omissions. An adequate attempt at referencing was made with minor errors or omissions in the style of referencing. Lack of proper referencing. Either references are missing or the referencing style has not been applied accurately
Quality of writing 1.5 Professional language is used which communicates meaning with clarity and fluency.
No errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation, or sentence structure. Adequate language which conveys meaning with some clarity, however there the report is inconsistent in its flow from one idea to the next and there are errors in expression.
Errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and/or organisation Poor language impedes meaning because of errors in usage and disorganisation of information.
Consistent errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and/or organisation.
Application of analysis models
3 Analysis models are accurately and appropriately applied with respect to:
-horizontal analysis
-vertical analysis
-ratio analysis
Calculations are accurate and without errors. Analysis models are appropriately applied with respect to:
-horizontal analysis
-vertical analysis
-ratio analysis
However, minor errors are shown in calculation. Little or no attempt is shown to apply analysis models to given business situation with respect to:
-horizontal analysis
-vertical analysis
-ratio analysis
Many errors are shown in calculation.
Interpretation/Recommendation based on
analysis of the results 8 Analysis and interpretation of the results is comprehensive and thorough. All issues are adequately addressed.
Interpretation and recommendations are accurate, logically linked to the results and supported by judgement.
Analysis is specifically addressed at the company chosen. Analysis and interpretation of the results is present, however it lacks depth. Majority of the issues are addressed.
Interpretation and recommendations are mostly correct, somewhat relevant to the results and mostly supported by accurate judgement.
Analysis is specifically addressed at the company chosen, however at times generalisations that could apply to any company are used. Analysis and interpretation is minimal and/or does not address the requirements of the assignment.
Interpretation and recommendations are lacking or supported by errors in judgement.
Analysis is too general and not specific to the company chosen.
Logical arguments
3 The argument is logically correct and clear with good justification.
Justification is clearly provided and used as evidence in the argument. The argument seems logically correct but is unclear in some areas as a result of no evidence, a lack of evidence or inconsistent evidence that is used to support the argument in the report. The argument is not logical, unclear and/or based on incorrect information.
There is a lack of evidence in supporting the arguments put forward in the report.
Critical evaluation of the limitations of financial statement analysis
2 Evaluation of the analysis methods adopted, or data used, is critical, thorough, complete and in context to the company analysed.
Limitations are clearly stated and relevant to the chosen company.
Evaluation of the analysis methods or data is present but some important aspects are not fully addressed.
Limitations not all relevant to the chosen company or some limitations are general in nature. Little or no evaluation is presented.
Major limitations of the report are missing and not addressed or limitations are mostly general in nature.
Total Marks 20