Group Dynamics Case Study
Group Dynamics Case Study
Group Dynamics Case Study
Jennifer is the Manager of a small IT company. Recently, the company has undergone great growth and as a result has employed a number of new staff members. The company
now needs to accommodate these new staff members. Jennifer has decided that a new open plan office layout is required to ensure that the team works effectively
together. Ten existing staff and five new staff members will be affected by these changes.
Jennifer decides to appoint a group of staff to work together to design the new space which will include a floor plan, new furniture and equipment that needs to be
purchased. She allocates the following staff to this team project: William, the company’s accounts clerk; Bryce, the marketing officer; Jacqui, the receptionist; and
Samantha, a software designer. Bryce is the only new staff member of the group. This is the first time this group has had to work together as they all have very
different roles within the company.
During the group’s first meeting, everyone appears to be moving in different directions. Bryce makes it very clear to the others that he thinks he has more important
work to do rather than wasting time designing office space. He also tells the other group members that his only concern relates to the inclusion of a spacious office
for himself. Jacqui is very enthusiastic that she has been selected to be involved in this project. She tells the group that she is studying interior design part-time
and has lots of ideas to share. William asks the other group members if they are aware of the budget for this project. However, Samantha speaks over him as she tells
the group that she will design an online survey for the office staff to complete. They will then be able to use these results as a guide to their planning. By the end
of this meeting, little has been achieved. Bryce stands up and announces that the group will never be able to arrive at a decision. He then walks out claiming that he
cannot work under these conditions. The other group members do not know how to react.
The case study essay
• 1200 words approximately
• Must analyse from a theoretical perspective
• Language features
• Academic tone
• Use names of characters
• Organisational structure
• 1 _ Introductory paragraph (approx 200 words)
– Provide background to problem/situation
– Identify the problem
• 2 – Body paragraph (approx 250 words)
– Select one aspect of the problem and analyse
– Explain the aspect
• Why is it happening?
• Who is it impacting?
– How could the aspect be addressed?
• Are there alternatives?
• Evaluate from the perspective of others
• 3 – Conclusion (150 words)
– Provide a summary of aspects contributing the problem
– Why is it important for the problem to be solved?
– Consider all parties
– Consider short and long term
– Make a practical suggestion as to how the problem could be solved:
– Training
– Mentoring
– Counselling
– End on a broad statement in relation to the theoretical nature of the problem
Using supporting evidence
• Each of the case study paragraphs should contain direct quotes/paraphrases:
– Intro: 1-2
– Each body paragraph: 2-3
– Conclusion: 1-2
• Make sure there is a balance between the use of direct quotes and paraphrases
• All supporting evidence must be related to relevant theory