Graphical synthesis of biblical chronology and archaeology for the period of King David
Create a graphical synthesis of biblical chronology and archaeology for the period of King David to the return from exile. This timeline must show the connections between the biblical and archaeological data.
This timeline should cover the period from King David to the return from exile. It is both a way for you to assimilate and synthesize the data but also to work at creatively conveying how the Bible is rooted in history and that archaeological evidence corroborates the biblical data. The basis for this timeline is the material found in Kitchen’s book, On the Reliability of the Old Testament (pages 1–79). The material in the Zondervan Handbook of Biblical Archaeology provides complementary data and visuals. I want you to synthesize the data and show evidence from archaeology of the reliability of the biblical record. Where possible provide pictures of the various archaeological finds that attest to the evidence—make it interesting and compelling. I also want you to think creatively about mediums you can leverage in explaining and presenting a reasoned explanation for the truthfulness of God’s word.
You do not need to note every king of Israel/Judah. But, for example, you would indicate Hezekiah’s reign and link this to Sennacherib and the cuneiform account of his campaign in Palestine.
You should footnote sources for the images you use and indicate the key data of that source. Typically infographics/timelines place their footnotes in fine print at the bottom. Whether you choose to do this or not, please create a separate footnote document to submit with your timeline.
The timeline should convey evidence from these categories: outside evi