Gospels shape the presentation of key characters
Jesus’ closest followers, the twelve disciples, are key characters in all of the gospels, but they certainly aren’t perfect. For example, in Mark’s account they make the bold decision to leave everything and follow Jesus, but then they often struggle to understand him and repeatedly fail to trust him. This “mixed” presentation makes them both intriguing and relatable characters in the gospel.
Post: In this discussion post, describe the characterization of Jesus’s disciples in Mark’s gospel. Which key stories reveal their character? Are they depicted, for example, as heroes of faith that the audience should imitate, bumbling fools that frustrate the audience with their thick-headedness, fearful men faltering toward faith, or something else? What do they struggle to understand about Jesus and why is that hard for them to grasp? Cite specific passages from the gospel as you build your case.
Then, explain why Mark’s characterization of the disciples would be meaningful for a present-day Christian community. In other words, how does the presentation of the disciples challenge, convict, comfort, or encourage the reader in a way most needed by a present-day community? As you explain your choice, make specific connections between the present-day community you are imagining and particular passages from Mark.