Global Economy/Business

Article summaries should submitted with no less than 250 words, single spaced. Please be sure to cite your sources correctly. The summary cannot be on articles referenced in the Textbook. Students must submit a copy of the article with the summary.
Marking Scheme for Current Even Article Summaries

  1. Clear and succinct summary of the article, appropriate and correct sources cited.
  2. Content
    a. Useful précis/ description/ summary of the article. Covers key points of article.
    b. Fair evaluation of article: based on content, not just presentation or liking/disliking.
    c. Reviewer relates the article to the course material (includes a reference from the textbook)
  3. Quality of the assignment:
    a. Clear and succinct summary
    b. Fair evaluation of the article
    c. Sources cited correctly
    d. No less than 250 words, single spaced, use APA format for citing sources.
  4. Copy of the article or article link is included
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