Garbage at home

Let’s consider your garbage at home. How does your weekly garbage content compare to the average composition (percentages of different materials) of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in the United States as shown in the EPA data? What are the three main materials found in your garbage by mass?
Now, let’s consider what happens with our garbage. What happens with the three main materials in terms of collection, processing, recycling, biological treatment, incineration, and/or landfill disposal? Research how these three waste materials are handled by your municipality or county. In contrast, how should these three materials be managed ideally? And what are the main drivers (relevant regulations and public awareness/attitudes/motivation) for solid waste management in your county?
As we have learned, the monetary value of environmental resources and environmental quality is usually not reflected in the pricing of goods and services. Do you think it is helpful to account for environmental costs? In your opinion, how would fully accounting for environmental costs affect consumption and waste disposal patterns? Is it feasible to do so?
Please read what students and the professor have said before you and add to the conversation with relevant and thoughtful posts.
Reference to use:
The Tragedy of the Commons by Garrett Hardin – The Garrett Hardin Society – Articles
Economic Growth and the Environment – Document – Gale eBooks (

Part II:
What are your thoughts on the “Story of Stuff” movie? How does the movie tie in with the concepts and topics discussed in this course?
Think back to the short movie “Fossil Fuels in 300 Seconds” in Week 5. How is our fossil fuel dependence tied to our consumption of stuff?
How would our present consumption patterns and energy use change if we were to work towards sustainability?

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