Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis

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the chief nursing officer in a large academic tertiary care center. You have been told that your organization has had an increase in nosocomial infections. As the
chief nursing officer, you want to combat this problem that is impacting patient care.
A. Discuss evidence-based practices for reducing nosocomial infections, including one item from each of the following areas with specific evidence for how the item
reduces infections:
• products
• technology
• patient/family
• finances
• community relations

B. Analyze the impact of nosocomial infections on patient care.

C. Complete a gap analysis in which you do the following:1. Identify major causes that lead to the transmission of nosocomial infections.
2. Discuss the impact of stakeholder roles, responsibilities, and relationships on patient care outcomes.
3. Discuss the roles of infection control and education within the organization in the scenario and how they relate to each other.
4. Describe a strategy to combat the increase of nosocomial infections.
5. Discuss one goal for reducing nosocomial infections for each of the areas from part A1:
• products
• technology
• patient/family
• finances
• community relations

6. Discuss possible solutions to the gap, anticipating potential challenges and using information from the gap analysis.
a. Analyze one solution from part C6 to recommend in combatting nosocomial infections.


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